Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 186: Is it fun?

Mu Chuqing smiled triumphantly, stood up and carried the vegetables into the kitchen.

Several dishes have been fried, and fish is still stewed on the stove.

Mu Chuqing was lowering her head and chopping garlic cloves, her shoulders suddenly sank, and then a warm body came up immediately behind her, and her waist was not trapped.

"Need help?" Mu Chuqing's body became stiff as the warm breath in his ear was a little hotter than the steam in the kitchen.

Then he elbows Xu Junyu's waist.

"Stop making trouble, go out quickly, the fish will be out of the pot soon."

Xu Junyu sighed and let go of Mu Chuqing, "Well, it's very fragrant!"

Mu Chuqing turned her head and smiled at him, her smile a little stiff.

Xu Jun frowned and left the kitchen.


"All right!"

Mu Chuqing brought out a porcelain basin with heat-insulating gloves and put it on the dining table.

The light fish soup, the soft and waxy white-flowered fish meat is stewed with garlic cloves and coriander on the surface, the color is bright, and it makes the index finger open.

Xu Junyu put a piece of tender white fish into his mouth and nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, living abroad for so long, the craftsmanship is still great! How do you learn to cook?"

Originally, Mu Chuqing was a little proud of Xu Junyu's praise, but when she heard his last words, the smile on her face suddenly froze.

How did you learn to cook?

Specially studied for that man!

Xu Junyu was holding a bowl and holding his shoulders to serve himself with fish soup. After seeing Mu Chuqing's expression, the brown peach eyes instantly became gloomy.

With a "clam", Xu Junyu threw the spoon into the porcelain basin, and the fish soup splashed on the table, ruining several dishes.

Mu Chuqing shrank, and looked up at Xu Junyu who had already risen from the chair.

"Mu Chuqing, what do you think of me, is it fun?"


Mu Chuqing didn't speak, looked at Xu Junyu and glared at her, then kicked off the stool and left.

She stood up and called out Xu Junyu's name, but Xu Junyu ignored her, suddenly opened the door, and left with a anger.

Mu Chuqing slowly sat on the chair, looked at the messy dishes before the table moved, and took a deep breath.

It’s not her fault, once she learns something, she won’t forget it in her lifetime, will it?

Xu Junyu ran outside with anger. The car had been driven away by the driver. He took out his mobile phone and called the driver to pick him up. The driver panicked and said that it would take at least 20 minutes.

"Then you tm don't show up in front of me forever!"

Xu Junyu hung up the phone and slammed the phone to the ground. The phone broke at the sound. The pedestrians on the street were so scared by the handsome but icy man, they hurried away.

Anxiously stepped forward and kicked the smashed mobile phone away, then turned around, stared at Mu Chuqing's apartment building for a long while, then hired a taxi and got in.

Sheng Yuchen was in the car, and he saw Xu Junyu walking out of the apartment door from a distance. Then he became angry without knowing why, then he looked at the direction of the i apartment building in a daze, and finally got into the taxi.

His brows frowned tightly. He didn't care about Xu Jun and why he was angry. What he cared about was that Xu Junyu came out of the apartment building where Mu Chuqing was located.

Nine p.m!

The hand holding the steering wheel was tight, and his heart was gripped by an invisible hand.

He took a deep breath, but he could no longer calm the anger that burst into his heart.

He started the car, the bright headlights lit up, and turned into Mu Chuqing's apartment.

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