Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1864: have a guest

A life is growing in her belly, Wen Qian was in her belly at that time, but she was pushed down from such a high place...

She can’t forget the moment she rolled down the ship’s side, how the fear and helplessness filled her body at that moment, she had no way of knowing, let alone, at the moment of falling. , How did she force it over.

In just a few seconds, she left scars on her lips that were impossible to eradicate in her life like that, and she had the ability to cool down.

Yuan Yao clutched her stomach and wanted to shout, but she couldn't make any sound.

But at this time, the door of the room happened to be knocked, and Liang Luo gritted his teeth desperately, almost grunting in pain, and the people outside thought that Yuan Yao had answered the door, so he slowly opened the door.

"Miss Yuan...Miss Yuan!"

The servant outside the door just opened his mouth and saw Yuan Yao curled up on the bed, looking extremely painful.

She immediately understood something, and hurried into the house, hurried to a glass of cold water, opened the drawer, took out a medicine box, poured out a medicine, lifted Yuan Yao's body, and let her drink it with cold water.

Yuan Yao was lying on the bed with a pale face, and after drinking the medicine, she still frowned and closed her eyes with a painful expression.

The servant looked at Yuan Yao with a worried look on the side, and looked at the pill box in his hand. The expression on his face was really worried.

This medicine was what Mr. Wen told her before. It was just a few vitamin particles, not a painkiller. Yuan Yao rarely got sick, almost none. It was just caused by excessive stress. But if it happens, you must be fully prepared.

This preparation is used, but she is not sure if Miss Yuan is sick or really has a stomachache?

If it is really a stomachache, isn't the secret of these medicines exposed?

Mr. Wen has concealed her things for so many years. If she is allowed to expose this secret under the wrong analysis, then if Miss Yuan becomes sick again in the future, there is really no way.

"Miss Yuan, are you better?"

The servant stood aside and asked cautiously.

Yuan Yao slowly opened her eyes, glanced at the servant next to the bed with a pale face, and nodded gently, finally regaining some strength.

The servant took a big breath.

"What are you looking for me?"

Yuan Yao sat up from the bed and leaned against the head of the bed.

The servant was asked this way and suddenly remembered.

"Oh, by the way, Miss Yuan, the guard said that a guest wants to see you."

"The guests?"


Yuan Yao frowned. Few people should know about her living here, right?

Besides, she didn't have any friends in Kyoto, except Susu, that guy must be in the company now!


The servant shook his head, "No! The guard said he seems to be a star!"

Yuan Yao's eyebrows frowned again, thinking for a long time and couldn't figure out who it was!

There are so many celebrities in Xia Mingxiu's company. Who knows who will look for her on a whim?

In fact, I have been wondering whether it was Ensisi. After all, she was the one who almost got the supporting actress in "Upper", and she had clearly expressed her attitude that she wanted to spend the night in this role.

But only a step away, the role still fell on her head in the end.

But she didn't think it was Ensisi!

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