Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1873: Susu is a goddess

In the presence of Ye Susu, she said that she would help Luo Qing choose clothes for Pei's father. This was where Ye Susu was placed.

Who do you show this to?

Is this directly in the center wanting to hollow out Ye Susu's position in Pei's house?

Change the way to play insidious tricks, cool down, you really have grown!

But Ye Susu didn't seem to care. Seeing Luo Qing looking at her, she gently pulled her lips and smiled, saying:

"Mom, take a look for yourself first. I won’t give any advice. No one in this world knows Dad’s preferences better than you. It seems unnecessary for me to be next to you. This store is just new this year. You can choose any brand counter you set up, and it will be credited to Anzhi’s account..." He smiled a little apologetically, "Sorry mom, some of the counters in other places have posted accounts that are not correct. Circumstances, so we still have to go through this process..."

Nothing wrong!

Public is public, private is private, and private cannot affect public!

Not only is it clear, but it never treats it differently. For the sake of the company, Luo Qing of course has nothing to say, and it is impossible for her to conflict with Ye Susu indiscriminately over the account of a few pieces of clothing.

Nodded, the expression on his face gradually relaxed,

I swept my eyes in the shop, but I was a little interested.

Ye Susu's words did please Luo Qing. In this world, it is not she who knows Pei Lintian the best.

For many years, I have not personally picked out a few clothes for Pei Lintian. Now that Ye Susu mentions it, I can't wait to take a look.

Yuan Yao was so happy to die, this vegetarian, not salty or weak, would lose 10% of the cold.

Even the daughter-in-law herself feels superfluous, and the coldness is so hard to hear it, so she shouldn't live so many years in vain!

Deserve it?

Before Luo Qing left, she glanced at Lutein, "You are..."

Ye Susu's delicate eyebrows moved, and Wen smiled:

"Help Anzhi choose a suit."

Luo Qing said "Oh", and the daughter-in-law was thinking about her son, she was naturally happy.

Did not say much, just walked around in the store.

Standing in place, Liang Luo didn't know what his expression was now.

Turning her back to Yuan Yao, Ye Susu didn't even look at her more than a passerby.

Yuan Yao called out Su ** God in her heart!

To treat a "rival in love", the best counterattack is to ignore it!

Ignored by the "rival in love", Yuan Yao could not see the cool expression, but she could almost guess it. Under that expression of enduring, it is estimated that Su Su had been abused by her in various poses.

But just think about it, in fact, does she dare?

Before long, Liang Luo seemed to endure the breath, lowering his head and swaying in the store.

Ye Susu was looking at a white shirt on the side. The two corners of the neckline were specially widened with embroidery thread about one millimeter wide. The collar looked more three-dimensional. Men’s shirts have always had no extraneous decorations. Circle hand-stitched embroidery can also be regarded as a little more "pattern" for the almost unchanging shirt.

Not cumbersome, but also unique, the whole shirt has become a little different because of such small changes.

It seems that it is more suitable for the kind of dude, unruly, vague and swagger.

But even so, this shirt still caught Ye Susu's eyes.

Men always like challenging things, and she has a little bit too.

The more difficult things are to control, men always want to control.

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