Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1879: No one can understand her

Liang Luo looked at the weather and whispered, "Auntie, sister-in-law and they seem to be gone? I thought the weather was bad, she might wait for you..."

Luo Qing snorted clearly in his nose, "I haven't seen it yet, that's just playing with me!"

Liang Luo lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then said: "Sorry aunt, it's all my fault, my sister-in-law doesn't like me, and it hurt you..."

Luo Qing frowned, did not speak,

Liang Luo looked at Luo Qing's expression secretly, and pulled his lips, "Auntie, let's go, I'll take you home!"

Luo Qing nodded, and Liangluo untied the umbrella. As soon as he walked down the steps with Luo Qing, a black car stopped in front of the two people.

After that, the car door opened quickly, and it was the driver of Pei's family who walked to Luo Qing with an umbrella.

"Madam, sorry, I'm late!"

I didn't call you either!

"How do you know that I am here?" Luo Qing asked.

"Oh, the young grandma called me to pick you up! It's about to get off work. The young grandmother said that the young master wears less clothes today, and she rushed to send him clothes for him. Let me pick you up!"

"That's it! That's right, if An Zhi gets sick, it will be even more troublesome!"

A word from the driver made the unhappiness that had just risen in Luo Qing's heart disappeared in an instant.

In fact, Ye Susu's care and consideration for An Zhi has been seen in her eyes for so many years. She does not forget her original intention as always, and it is indeed rare.

"Well, Luoluo girl, I won't trouble you today, I'll go back first!"

The driver hurriedly opened the door.

Liang Luo twitched the corners of her lips and gritted her teeth secretly as she watched Luo Qing get into the car with a smile on her face.

After closing the door, the driver greeted Liangluo with a nod, then got in the car and drove away neatly.

Watching the car leave, she walked slowly toward her car while holding an umbrella.

Opening the car door and sitting on it, she suddenly slammed the bag in her hand against the co-pilot on the opposite side!

A glamorous face was smeared with anger at the moment, becoming very hideous.

She stubbornly held the steering wheel, and her whole body was trembling with anger.

She is alone and will always be herself. Without friends, her brother and father would never understand her.

How did she persuade herself to come over by herself for so many years?

No one can understand her, no one can support her!

She has worked hard enough, and now she has to be united and insulted!

Bitch! All bitches!

Why, in the end, only she is still alone!

Liang Luo's eyes were red, and she tried to suppress her tears. She took out her mobile phone unconvinced, and clicked on the address book. There were hundreds of contacts. She turned around, all of them were related to the company's business.

Which one can be heart-to-heart, no.

There is not even a person who can come out to drink with him!

Liang Luo sniffed, the tears in his eyes finally did not hold back, and fell on the phone screen.

What is going on?

Her life has become like this!

If she didn't have a little bit of persistence in her heart, could she have lived till now?

Why does no one understand her?

Why is she still subjected to such insults? !

In the blurred vision of tears, the screen in her hand gradually dimmed, her gaze accidentally touched a certain memo name, her eyes blinked, two tears came out, and her slender fingers clicked on...

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