Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1908: Not ashamed

"There are many women in my company who are beautiful, well-built, and good-tempered. If it's like what you just said, who can't I pick, why is it you?"

"That's because I am better than them! I am more beautiful than them, have a good figure, and have a good temper... and good!"

Yuan Yao stared at Xia Mingxiu with her cheeks puffed up.

Xia Mingxiu was dumbfounded by her.

"Aren't you ashamed, huh?"

"What's the embarrassment, it is a fact! Do you think it is not? That's fine, you can go find them!"

Yuan Yao said that she was struggling to leave Xia Mingxiu's arms.

Where could Xia Mingxiu let her go, and immediately fished her into his arms.

"I like Brother Bing, huh?"

Yuan Yao nodded, "Yes, I like it!"

Xia Mingxiu pinched Yuan Yao's waist.

"What are you doing, don't touch me, hate you..."

"Yuan Yao, you leave me a little farther away from Pei Jinfan in the future!"


"...Do you listen?"

Xia Mingxiu's voice brought out danger.

Yuan Yao gave him a white look, "Why should I listen to you? I am angry now, I let go of me... Yeah! Xia Mingxiu, what are you doing?!"

"Fuck you!"

Come again! !

Xia Mingxiu carried Yuan Yao on his shoulders and strode towards the other side of the bridge.

"Xia Mingxiu, don't! Don't! I'm not angry anymore! I'm not angry anymore!"

Yuan Yao threw her legs on Xia Mingxiu's shoulders and shouted, almost crying.

Don't she said something wrong at the banquet, it will still make headlines tomorrow!

Xia Mingxiu was just to frighten Yuan Yao, and stopped when he heard Yuan Yao's crying cry.

"Are you angry?"

"No more!"

"hate me?"

"it's OK!"

"Don't hate what it is?"

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth, "...I like you!"

Xia Mingxiu licked her lips and smiled, "You are not obedient!"


Xia Mingxiu patted Yuan Yao's **** with satisfaction and put her down.

Yuan Yao bowed her head and hurriedly sorted her clothes, and said anxiously, "Xia Mingxiu, you lunatic! This is a public place! You...are you afraid of being photographed by reporters?!"

Xia Mingxiu laughed low.

"What do you think this place is?"

"Hotel!" Yuan Yao blurted out.

"It's Pei's hotel! The guests staying in the seven-star hotel are either rich or expensive. How important is their privacy. What do you think the president of Pei's does? Can these reporters be allowed to run around here? Not that they should be there. Place, they will never show up! Do they dare to offend the guests who live here?"

Yuan Yao paused with her hand trimming her skirt, raised her head and shook it blankly.

"Perhaps, they dare to offend Pei's?"

Yuan Yao shook her head again.

After blinking, he reacted afterwards.

"It seems that the Pei family is really good! Marrying into the Pei family is really a good choice! And the Pei family's genes are also very good, and Pei Anzhi forget it! His cousin..."

Yuan Yao shuddered suddenly, and subconsciously did not continue speaking. He looked up at Xia Mingxiu, only to find that a twist of that face seemed to be able to pinch out water.

"Actually... Pei An's other hall..."

A gloomy wind went straight into the body, and Yuan Yao simply changed the subject.

"Forget it, don't say it! Is the annual meeting speech about to start? I'll go out first!"

Yuan Yao walked by Xia Mingxiu's side, and Xia Mingxiu didn't move, but Yuan Yao stopped and thought for a long time, then suddenly turned around and walked to Xia Mingxiu's side, grabbing his hand and jogging.

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