Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 191: He has a heart attack

"You said, did our Sheng family hit the evil somewhere? Why are we going to this hospital one by one!"

Ye Yun sighed, Sheng Yuchen imagined that Ye Yun must be crying.

"How long have I slept?"

Sheng Yuchen suddenly spoke lightly, his throat still aching.

When Ye Yun heard Sheng Yuchen's words, she raised her head reflexively, and her face was full of surprise.

"Yu Chen, you are awake!"


Chang Chu also looked at Sheng Yuchen with surprise on his face, and most of the worry on his face disappeared instantly.

Sheng Yuchen glanced at her lightly and sat up from the bed.

"Angie! Go and find a doctor!"

"Oh! Oh!"

Ye Anqi quickly responded, turned and ran out.

"How long did I sleep?"

Sheng Yuchen asked patiently again, and Ye Yun handed the water glass in her hand to Sheng Yuchen's.

"Here, drink water first!"

"Hey, I sent it here last night. I slept for a whole day..."


After Ye Anqi brought the doctor over and informed that there was nothing serious, the whole room was greatly relieved.

"You have always been driving steadily, so why did you accidentally hit the guardrail."

Ye Yun asked worriedly, her expression worried.

"Mom, you all go out and call the left wing for me!"

"You! Your child... when is it, still thinking about work!"


Sheng Yuchen stopped talking, leaning on the bed, his face was pale, and his expression could not hide his fatigue.

"Okay, Auntie, let's go out first. I believe Chen will be measured!"

Chang Chu on the side was uncharacteristic. He didn't shed weak tears, and didn't choke and say "I'm really worried about you". Instead, he comforted Ye Yun with a calm expression.

Sheng Yuchen opened his eyes and took a look at her, his eyes flashed slightly.

Such a delicate mind...

His mind is so delicate that he has to bother to deal with her specially...

Several people in the room walked out, the left wing opened the door and came in.



Sheng Yuchen leaned on the hospital bed and responded in a low voice.

"Is Chang Yikuan awake?"

"Wake up, but the boss can rest assured, I have arranged someone to guard at the door, no one will easily see him!"

"Well, watch tight!"


There was a moment of silence in the room, Sheng Yuchen turned his head and looked out the window, his indifferent face frowned, and it was another rainy day.

Seeing Sheng Yuchen no longer speaking, the left wing turned around to leave, but Sheng Yuchen suddenly spoke again.

"Chang Yikuan, it's a heart attack, right?!"

"No, just high blood..."

The Left Wing spoke, but saw Sheng Yuchen turned his head, her dark black eyes squinted at him, and a cold and cruel arc hung around her mouth.

The heart of the left wing slammed and his face was shocked, but only quickly, he quickly concealed the unbelievable look on his face.

"Yes, boss, I get it!"


Sheng Yuchen turned his head out of the window again. For a moment, he got out of the hospital bed and still walked to the window, quietly watching the gloomy weather outside the window.

He still habitually lit a cigarette in his hand, and his long figure had a desolate and independent bleak.

The left wing came out of the ward and sat in the car, the shock in his heart no longer needs to be concealed at this moment.

He took out his mobile phone, shaking his hands slightly, and dialed the right wing.

"Say something quickly, let go if you have a fart! Labor and management don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

The right wing may still be brooding about what the left wing played with him last time. As soon as he answered the phone, his hot temper rushed out of his voice.

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