Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1915: Use public opinion!

And Ye Susu's jewelry color matched Pei Anzhi's clothes tonight.

All of this was arranged by Ye Susu himself.

Thinking of the cufflinks she had never had a chance to send out, how could Liang Luo be reconciled.

Everything that Ye Susu prepared for Pei Anzhi tonight was made specifically for her.

She said, how could she agree to come so easily...

Pei Anzhi didn't look at her again, and walked past her with his foot up.

The oncoming waiter stopped by Pei Anzhi's side, and Liangluo saw it from the bright floor-to-ceiling window, and found that many people were also looking in her direction.

Pei Anzhi has such a conspicuous presence, standing there, it will naturally attract people's attention, and after a little exploration, you will see that the place where he just sat is opposite to her.

Presumably flashed in his mind for an instant, Liang Luo wiped away the tears on his face, took a deep breath, stood up, walked to the waiter, took two glasses of wine, and handed one of them to Pei Anzhi.

The embarrassment and pitifulness just disappeared on his face long ago, his generous intellectual temperament and smile.

Pei Anzhi looked at the goblet handed to him with a cold face.

"In short, thank you husband and wife for being able to come here. I will serve my father and brother, as well as all the shareholders of Liang's family, to toast you!"

Pei Anzhi glanced at the wine glass in front of him again, and said coldly: "No need!"

He pretended to leave, but was hurriedly stopped by Liang Luo, "Brother An!"

Liang Luo stepped forward and looked at Pei Anzhi beggingly, "Brother An, such a person is looking at us... If you refuse, I will have many difficult follow-up questions..."

Although there is a Pei family here today, it is the current head Pei Anzhi that really holds the real power. How many people are cooperating with the Liang family on the face of Pei family.

If Pei Anzhi doesn't give Liang Luo face in full view today, then this family gathering tonight will really have to be considered carefully!

There was a fire between Pei Anzhi's eyes, but he still snatched the wine glass in Liang Luo's hand.

"It seems that the lesson five years ago was not in vain. It was destroyed by public opinion, and you can use the public opinion to achieve your own goals.

Liang Luo felt bitter and astringent in his heart.

If she can, she would rather never grow up, and she would always be the woman who is loved by everyone.

But reality, is it allowed?

She is naive, without a city mansion, and cannot get what she wants.

But now, she doesn't seem to get what she wants!

She even begged him to go back to the past, but he didn't agree, what else did she hope for? !

Even if only once, only once, and let her have only once, she has no regrets in her life.

She raised the wine glass in her hand and gently touched Pei Anzhi's glass.

Looking up at Mingyan with a moving smile, he looked at Pei Anzhi and said, "Otherwise? Now, no one can **** me on my life journey. I only rely on myself..."

She took the wine glass, glanced at the light yellow sparkling champagne inside, shook it gently, and drank it with her head up.

The coolness did not deny it, which made Pei Anzhi's anger deepen a few layers, holding up the wine glass, and swallowing the wine in the wine glass into his belly.

After that, he put the cup heavily on the table aside, turned and strode away.

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