Liang Luo stared blankly at Bai Hao’s handsome face. After a long time, his eyes flashed suddenly, and his sanity seemed to be recovered at this moment. Looking at her current posture with Bai Hao, he subconsciously reached out and pushed Bai Hao away. Hao's shoulders.

"Sorry, I just... lost my mind!"

There was a bitterness in Bai Hao's eyes, "It's okay!"

Liang Luo lowered his head to adjust his makeup, and when he heard Bai Hao's words, he paused slightly, raised his head, and smiled at Bai Hao.

It didn't take long for Liang Luo to roughly arrange her makeup, and then raised her head to look at Bai Hao again. The makeup was not exquisite, but it was much better.

She looked at Bai Hao for a while, pursed her lips, looked carefully and said, "What...what did you just say?"

Bai Hao gently twitched the corners of his lips, "As long as you want, I will definitely help you get it!"

Liang Luo's eyes flashed again, it seemed that everything he had just heard had been authenticated, and he couldn't react.

"Help me, how do you want to help me?"

It took a long time for Liang Luo to find his own voice.

"Although I am unwilling in my heart, I also understand Brother An. I can't imagine how Brother An will return to me..."

Having said that, Liang Luo's eyes closed deeply again, completely unable to imagine hope, so she was even more desperate at this moment.

"If you want, there will always be a way..."

Liang Luo slowly opened his eyes and stared directly into Bai Hao's eyes. The expression on his face became solemn, and his hands gradually became fists...

Ye Susu didn’t find Yuan Yao for a while, so he sighed helplessly and didn’t continue searching. Yuan Yao’s obvious existence should be found at a glance. She has been searching here for a long time, but she didn’t find it. Can explain that she is not in the banquet hall now.

Think about it carefully, isn't Xia Mingxiu also present at the meeting?

Simply Lips gave up looking for her altogether, but when he just turned around to find Pei Anzhi, he saw that Pei Anzhi was drinking with Liang Luo.

Pei Anzhi turned her back to her, she couldn't see his expression, but she could see Liang Luo's beautifully smiling face, her mouth opened and closed, and she didn't know what she was talking about, Pei Anzhi just stood quietly. Opposite her, listening to Liang Luo talking with great patience.

Ye Susu's beautiful eyes flashed, turned around, took a glass of wine in the hand of the waiter who happened to pass by, and walked to a relatively quiet place on the other side and took a few sips.

"sister in law……"

A familiar voice rang in his ears, Ye Susu looked up and saw the person standing next to her on the French window.

He lowered his eyelids, put down the raised wine glass, turned to face the visitor, smiled and faced the visitor.

"Long time no see, Liang Qihan!"

Liang Qihan curled his lips and smiled lightly, but a faint astringency slipped across his plain eyes.

"long time no see……"

It's not a long time since I haven't seen her. Every time she appears under the media camera for Pei's public relations issues, he always pays attention to it.

It is subconsciously dictated, every time I see her figure, I will involuntarily pay attention to it.

Watching her talk in front of the camera every time, her language is concise, her manners are generous, her whole life is vigorous and full of confidence.

He knows how unreasonable this subconscious is, but so far, he has only a little secret about her.

He is not cool, and he will not be dominated by feelings all his life.

Therefore, some things can only be done in moderation.

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