Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 193: Rainy days can always draw people's hearts

The left wing took two deep breaths and snarled at the phone one by one!

"Rightwing, labor and capital tell you, you **** serious, if the things in Chang Yikuan's hands are really stabbed out, we, the entire ‘chihu’ unit, will die without a place to be buried!"

"This **** thing is all light, you know the best for what the boss endures for so many years! If the arms that were lost back then were smuggled to the Sheng family by someone else, then forget it, but tm just..."

"Okay, okay! Stop fucking! It makes me seem like I don’t understand it! If I say one thing, you have to answer me ten!"

"I think you just don't understand four or six, and this kind of joke is also open!"

"Damn, Left Wing, I'll clean up you when I meet!"


The left wing hung up, patted the steering wheel in excitement, and started the car.

Sheng Yuchen stood at the window for a long time, already replacing a few cigarettes in his hand.

It was already raining outside, floating in the air and then falling to any corner, making a "rusty" sound.

Sheng Yuchen's knife-shaved face was silent, and her black eyes gradually lost focus through the rain curtain.

He remembered that her favorite thing was to stand in front of the French windows in the villa on a rainy day and look out the window quietly.

People who are usually vigorous and lively always become extremely quiet at this time.

She said that at this time, it is always inexplicably sentimental, and it is always easy to make people feel a touch of sadness, and it is always easy to slowly pull out the things that have been forgotten in the heart. The heartstrings always become sensitive at this moment. stand up.

However, she always enjoys it.

He also likes to hug her quietly from behind, and then feel her leaning all the weight of her whole body in his arms, and sometimes gently rubbing her face on his chin.

And he would sometimes kiss her small and exquisite ears gently, and she turned around with a smile, quietly glanced at him, on her toes, wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him actively.

Since then, rainy days have been his favorite.

Missing, sad, sad...

There are everything, but only the sweetness of the original.

The sweeter the memories he brought back, the more painful he was.

The clearer the person who reads it, the more painful it makes people feel.

No one will understand him!

Accompanying him is always the cold white marble stele on that side.

Memories of two people, living alone...

Sadness spread from the bottom of my heart, Sheng Yuchen fought a cold war and exhaled a long breath.

Stooping, he squeezed out the cigarette in his hand, turned and walked to the sofa.

Brand new suits have been put on there.

Sheng Yuchen picked it up and put it on. When he fastened the buttons, his handsome long eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his long eyelashes flickered twice.

How come the clothes size that I just changed two days ago became loose again.

The movement in his hand stopped for a while, and finally he buttoned up all the buttons on his clothes.

The figure is not as strong as before, but it is more slender and tall.

He opened the door of the ward with an indifferent expression, and guarded the door of the ward and the bodyguard saluted him respectfully.

"Give me a car."

Sheng Yuchen spoke to the bodyguard beside him in a faint voice, and walked towards the elevator in a stride.

At the entrance of the hospital, the sound of rain was louder than in the ward, and a cold dampness rushed toward his face. Sheng Yuchen blinked, his hands dropped to his sides, and stood quietly.

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