Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1935: To be sure

Pei Anzhi looked up at her with a gloomy expression.

When he received a sudden call from Ye Susu before, he felt that something was wrong.

What drank too much, prepare 2106 out?

He clearly told her to let her wait for him in 2006.

There is no wrong or not, because Pei Anzhi knew that even if he didn't say it, Ye Susu would definitely know which room he was in. How could he be mistaken?

But since she called, something must have happened.

And her tone of speech, clearly calling him, why did you pretend to call the front desk?

When she called, there was someone by her side!

You don't need to think about this kind of problem at all, it's just something that flashes through your mind in an instant.

So one second before hanging up the phone, he simply told her to go directly to room 2005.

There are too many things in it. It is safest to put an end to everything that may happen, and to make a foolproof decision directly to the third room temporarily.

But he really didn't expect that when they saw each other, she would become like this and be drugged.

Now he was still thinking about laughing. He was very angry when he saw Ye Susu fall in.

Entering the door is not allowed to say that if you hold him and chew, she is so sure that it is him?

What if you go to the wrong room?

What if there is another man in the room?

Pei Anzhi is really scared now, how long has she just been separated, has she been calculated?

If it weren't for her to be so clever, what would happen to her? Has she thought about it?

Who is so brave enough to even dare to move?

Ye Susu looked down at him, tried to make his eyes clearer, vaguely saw Pei Anzhi's gloomy face, and smiled and squinted his eyes.

Pei Anzhi looked really angry, when did this woman become so heartless.

Ye Susu knew why Pei Anzhi's face was so ugly.

He was angry that she hadn't been able to protect herself well, and how long he had left her, she was caught by others.

When I just met Bai Hao, she was always on guard. In fact, there was always a fluke in her heart, thinking that Bai Hao would at least not give her a problematic drink in the public. If something happened to her, he would be the first one to get rid of it. Involved.

Being able to stay in Aurora and under Xia Mingxiu's nose for so many years, his city mansion will never be so little afterwards.

Or is it that he came forward in person to make sure nothing is wrong?

After she learned that there was a real problem with the wine, she understood everything.

Who can make Bai Hao be so careful besides Liang Luo?

Rather than saying that Bai Hao wanted to ruin him, it was better to say that Liang Luo wanted to ruin her.

In five years, she knew what she could know, what she should know, what she didn't know, what she wanted to know, and what she didn't want to know, she knew.

She was really surprised when she knew that Bai Hao and Liang Luo were childhood sweethearts.

Because she listened so much, Liang Luo's childhood sweethearts were nothing more than Xia Mingxiu of the Xia family and the three children of the Pei family.

Suddenly another one came out for no reason, at least for her, another bamboo horse came out for no reason. It must be fake if she is not surprised.

Later, he also learned something one after another. Bai Hao confronted Liangluo, but it was good for his heart, but he turned his life into such a dirty look.

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