Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1946: What do you think?

What was the result after she just entered, did you find Pei Anzhi? What do you say if you find two people?

The most important thing is that these two couples seem to be...

Both derailed!

Ye Susu actually knows what everyone here is thinking. Just now in the room, she accidentally saw the traces of herself in the mirror.

Just now, Ensisi’s arrogant look is nothing more than thinking, even if Anzhi didn’t touch her Ensisi, but after learning that Ye Susu was stealing the fish outside with Pei Anzhi on his back, Anzhi would not admit himself for the sake of face. Being unilaterally betrayed will not only not expose Ensisi, but will also play a scene along Ensisi.

In this way, even if she didn't have anything to do with Anzhi, she would get what she wanted...

What you want...

Thinking of this, Ye Susu's face was cold.

Just in the room...

His eyes were cold and dull, and Xia Mingxiu also noticed something was wrong.

No matter what happened, he would not believe that Pei Anzhi would do anything extraordinary, and it was not that a casual woman could get his eyes and get close to his body.

"Sister-in-law, the matter is not settled yet, this matter..."

Ye Susu reached out and stopped Xia Mingxiu from trying to comfort her.

"Mingxiu, what is the specific conclusion of the matter, I know very well. But..."

Ye Susu paused deliberately, a seemingly gentle smile appeared on his face, slowly walking towards Ensisi.

As he walked, he smiled and said:

"I want to know now, what is the conclusion of this matter today with our Miss Ensisi?"

When the voice fell, Ye Susu happened to stop in front of En Sisi.

Ensisi looked at Ye Susu's smiling face, and her body moved back instinctively because of her heart.

Ye Susu raised her eyebrows slightly, with three-pointed mockery in her eyebrows.

Ensisi later realized this instinctive little movement, and was annoyed by Ye Susu's momentum, and was stimulated by the three-point mockery of her expression. She gritted her teeth hard and tried to keep herself as best as possible. Perfect confrontation posture.

"Since Miss Ye understands in her heart, why bother to ask me?"

"Please call me Mrs. Pei!" Ye Susu still smiled gently, reminding En Sisi in a soft voice.

If it weren't for everyone present to witness the whole thing, they would definitely be captured by Ye Susu's gentle voice.

But in fact, everyone present only felt cold on their backs, and the gentleness of her attitude was just as chilling.

Some people are also wondering, it's just a woman, how the aura from this body is more frightening than some men.

It seems that being able to live in Pei's house in Kyoto is so glorious, like a fish in water, it is really incompetent without a little ability.

Now this co-pilot, I am afraid that Pei Anzhi's true biography is also in the ears and eyes.

Ensisi was slightly taken aback by Ye Susu’s completely illogical words. The next moment she understood, she frowned, and finally laughed again.

"Mrs. Pei? Are you sure, you can still withstand the phoenix crown of'Mrs. Pei'?"

En Sisi's ridicule, everyone else present, except Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu, thought the same.

The husband did something indescribable with another woman in the exclusive room, and then the wife came out in the next room, with traces of ambiguity.

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