Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1960: poor person must have something mean!

But after she drank that glass of wine, she decided that she could not bear it anymore...

An Zhi has done what he should say and do.

Liang Luo's persistence has severely threatened her life, and she can't wait to die.

Ye Susu's eyes flickered twice, and her lips pressed.

"Let's go upstairs and see if grandpa and parents are still there?"

Pei Anzhi's gaze stayed on her face for an extra second, and then nodded and whispered a soft "um".

Before leaving, Pei Anzhi turned to the hotel manager who was secretly wiping sweat next to him and said:

"Take me off the bathrobe from that woman."


The manager was stunned for a moment, but in the end there was no reaction. What did Pei Anzhi just say?

Pulling off the bathrobe from the woman, is this punishing him for doing badly, or...what's the matter?

Pei Anzhi squinted his eyes and glanced at the manager. A fluttering look made the manager shiver. The corner of his eyes instantly understood when he caught sight of the only woman in a bathrobe present.

"I know, I know, I will let someone take off her bathrobe!"

"You pick it up. Now, where is it!"

The manager's smile froze again, his eyes were open, and there was another short circuit in his head.

He slowly turned his head to look at Ensisi on the ground, swallowing with some embarrassment, and when he turned to look at Pei Anzhi, he found that Pei Anzhi was looking at him.


Pei Anzhi glanced at him coldly and withdrew his gaze, "Renovate my room again, and throw everything away for me!"

"Yes! Yes!" The manager nodded repeatedly, he knew this.

After Pei Anzhi finished speaking, he hugged Ye Susu and lifted his foot away, but Ye Susu never said a word.

She knew that just letting Pei Anzhi not interfere in this matter made his heart feel uncomfortable, so now let him vent her anger.

Ensisi is not worthy of sympathy. She has given her the opportunity again and again, and it is herself who has repeatedly approached her bottom line.

Who is the blame?

Ye Susu gently curled her lips, and just after two steps, she heard the sharp shout of Ensisi behind her.

"Go away! Don't touch me!"

"Go away!"


Ye Susu's eyes flashed twice, lowered his head, and deliberately ignored En Sisi's miserable shout behind him.

She knew that after tonight, Ensisi's life was completely over.

She also participated in it, no matter whether she was active or passive, there was still an unexpected movement in her heart.

This is the same as the TV series she used to watch. When the wicked succeeded, she would be angry and wish that the person would get retribution immediately, but when she saw the end of the wicked, she couldn’t help but feel pity and sympathy. Then spontaneously give this wicked person a reason to be forgiven...

So now, facing Ensisi's miserable crying, she is beginning to move again...

The body was suddenly clasped, Pei Anzhi looked down at her and saw that Ye Susu was guilty of old problems again, and said: "You have to understand that there must be something hateful in poor people! It is completely unnecessary to sympathize with such people. She has to. Responsible for her stupid behavior."

Ye Susu nodded, "So I haven't stopped you until now. I understand the truth..."

Yes, she understands!

The figure on the side walked quickly to the front, the phone pressed to his ear, his head was lowered, and he was whispering something.

Ye Susu vaguely heard certain words, and then watched the reporter who called instead of taking the elevator, but hurriedly turned into a safe passage on the side...

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