Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 198: Family dinner four years ago 3

The bright red blood stained Chang Chu's pale yellow skirt, which was unusually dazzling in Mu Chuqing's eyes.




"my child--"

The sorrowful cry cut through the entire night, and Chang Chu looked at Mu Chuqing who was sitting on the steps with a grim look. He seemed to be intact and his brows jumped fiercely.

The sharp sound pierced Mu Chuqing's eardrums, and his head buzzed.

She stared at the bottom of the stairs in a daze, the one clutching her belly, her whole body hurting to cramps, but still crying out to her husband Chang Chu, the pupils in her eyes almost fell off.


Really ruthless!

Suddenly, there was a tingling pain in the lower abdomen, and Mu Chuqing only felt that something was flowing out of the body.

Her pale face suddenly became as pale as death. She clutched her belly tightly, what was she eager to save?


She subconsciously whispered Sheng Yuchen's name in an anxious manner. The grief and worry in her heart made her completely at a loss.

All her strength seemed to be taken away, she found that she could not do what Chang Chu did, and she still had enough strength to shout Sheng Yuchen loudly.

The weak voice can hardly be heard by herself, but the name seems to be the strongest pillar in her heart.

She kept mumbling and shouting:


However, a black figure suddenly passed her, leaving only a familiar breath.

Then Mu Chuqing saw that the familiar figure anxiously ran towards Chang Chu, knelt on the ground and hugged Chang Chu.

At this time, Chang Chu raised the blood-stained finger to Mu Chuqing.

"Chen, it's her, pushing me..."

Sheng Yuchen turned his head to look at her abruptly, the dark eyes like a knife pierced her heart, and slashed her heart.

She shook her head instinctively, her pale face was startled, panicked, and full of prayers.

"No, it's not me..."

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows jumped fiercely, turned his head, never looked at her again, picked up Chang Chu and left in a hurry.

Mu Chuqing's eyes were dark immediately, and the hand holding on to the railing gradually lost strength.

Surrounded by people, how many unbearable words penetrated Mu Chuqing's eardrums, and in the end, only a "buzzing" noise was left like the devil's low roar, poured into her mind.

"Mu Chuqing, you said, if we two roll down this staircase together, Chen, will you choose you or me?"

She has no intention of betting with Chang Chu, but the result of this bet is so sad!

Chang Chu won without any suspense.

The pain in her lower abdomen became heavier, and the fine beads of sweat slipped from Mu Chuqing's pale face. She bit her lip tightly, tears already flooding for a long time.

She struggled to get up from the ground, but she had no extra strength anymore.

Struggling several times, but to no avail!

Everyone avoided her like a snake, no one came to help her!

There are even people who gloat over misfortune or cynicism that deserves it.

There is endless grief in Mu Chuqing's heart!

not like this!

She did nothing!

She is pregnant too!

She also has a little life in her belly!

Her baby is losing her belly gradually!

Who will help her?

Who will save her child?


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