The "nominated actress" five years ago has almost become her lifetime. She has obtained it entirely through her own efforts, and no one can defile it.

Yuan Yao sneered, "Really? No one insulted you, you insulted it yourself! Since you got the nominated actress by your own ability in France, why in China, because you couldn't get that role, Just ran and entangled with your brother Anzhi coquettishly, had a breath with Mr. Xia, and allowed you to change the script to a completely different one! This is your true skill?! Anyway, you can't get it. If you don't get it, you will destroy it. I’m afraid I’ve used this method many times in France..."

"..." Liang's face was pale and bloodless, staring at Yuan Yao fiercely.

"Don't stare at me like that, Miss Liang! I don't want to know how your nominated actress came back then, let alone whether it was done cleanly! I don't need to care about everything before, but now I It’s a disgusting person who is hypocritical and ruthless like you."

Yuan Yao is so angry that she can't wait for a good beating with Liang Luo,

"I will tell you now and why I came to today's banquet today!"

With that, Yuan Yao suddenly turned around and stared at Bai Hao, her bright face was filled with unbearable anger.

"I didn't intend to come, but someone came to my house with a recording to find me. Ensisi coveted the role of female No. 2 in "Upper" and was forcibly stuffed into the program group by Bai Hao. At the beginning, I shepherd the sheep and rolled down the hill. It was all Ensisi's handwriting, and I gave Ensisi an idea, Vice President Bai, where did Yuan Yao offend you? Make you want to kill me?!"

Bai Hao looked down at Yuan Yao, and then said for a long time: "I can't talk about it to death, I am responsible for putting her into the program group, what to do is her own business..."

Yuan Yao sneered and said, "Then, when Ensisi comes back, in your office, when discussing the solution, you give him an idea and ask her to go to Pei Anzhi's bed tonight. Isn't it your idea? ?"


Bai Hao didn't speak. Only En Sisi and him knew about this. She just said that someone had visited her, and the recording pen given to her didn't seem to be cheating him.

Unexpectedly, Bai Hao would also be stabbed in the back.

"I want to learn five years ago and let Pei Anzhi intervene in "The Upper Position" again. Because Yuan Yao thought of the past five years ago, I even took the initiative to give up this opportunity. Your abacus played loudly..."

Yuan Yao paused, swallowed severely, gritted her teeth, and continued: "You can deal with me whatever you want, but you should never destroy my susu family! But you just want to Try every despicable way to dismantle them! Let En Sisi seduce --- lure Pei Anzhi, make hands and feet with Susu's wine, and let people **** her..."

When Yuan Yao said this, she couldn't help but shudder, her voice trembling.

"You made two-handed preparations. If they two are trapped by you alone, your separation plan will be successful. At the beginning, Liang Luo only thought about how to embarrass me! Let the cleanliness Pei Anzhi again Don’t touch her, arrange for everyone here to come and catch the traitor, so that Su Su’s body will be ruined, and everyone can witness Su Su’s embarrassment and cool down. After your plan fails, you will put yourself in and point at others to harm you. What about your face?!!!"

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