Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1988: She is hurting me

"Yeah, our elegant and excellent Miss Liang stutters!"

Yuan Yao hooked the corner of one side of her lips, with a somewhat dull expression, looking at Liang Lu with contempt, and her tone was as ironic as it was!

Liang Luo bit his lower lip tightly, gritted his teeth for the mistake he had just made, and did not answer Yuan Yao's words.

"So, you killed you and didn't admit that you did the things today?"

"Of course not!" Of course, Liang Luo wanted to deny it, she didn't, what can Yuan Yao do to her? !

Thinking of this, Liang Luo seemed more confident, "I am today's victim, what did you just say? I made people **** Ye Susu? How could I do such a disgusting thing, I..."

"As long as you say something, Luoluo, do you want to continue doing it..."

"You know, Ye Susu is not as kind as she seems on the surface. If she investigates afterwards, what will happen..."

Bai Hao's voice rang abruptly, making Liang Luo's words come to an abrupt end. The first feeling was that Bai Hao's words sound familiar.

She looked up suspiciously, but saw Bai Haozheng looking at Yuan Yao with a look of surprise, and Yuan Yao was holding a recording pen high in her hand, and the words in there seemed to be the conversation between her and Bai Hao in the corridor behind. .

Liang Luo's pale face really didn't have a trace of blood at this moment. She opened her eyes in horror, stood up suddenly, and rushed towards Yuan Yao no matter what.

Yuan Yao sneered and took two steps back flexibly while carrying the skirt. Liang Luo's knee was hurt by Yuan Yao's kick, and he threw himself into the air and fell to the ground.

The blanket around her fell to the ground, she hurriedly wrapped herself up, stood up embarrassedly, trying to grab the recorder from Yuan Yao's hand.

But Yuan Yao seemed to have expected it a long time ago and avoided her.

Although Ye Susu knew that Liang Luo and Bai Hao were harming her, she was only speculating, and it was a firm speculation.

If she had the evidence at the time, she wouldn't let Bai Hao stand up and top the bag by herself, and she wouldn't stop for the time being.

But she was very curious about the contents of this recording pen, and so was Pei Anzhi.

The two turned around and listened carefully to the sound from the recorder in Yuan Yao's hand. After that, because of Liang Luo's apparent madness, both their faces became black.

"Pei Anzhi, go on!"

Yuan Yao called out suddenly, and when Liang Luo rushed towards her again, he threw the recorder in his hand to Pei Anzhi.

Pei Anzhi reached out and caught it accurately.

Liang Luo stumbled twice, his whole person unkempt, pale face and horrified looking at the recorder that Pei Anzhi was holding in his hand at this moment.

She instinctively robbed it, but was shocked by Pei Anzhi's nearly murderous eyes.

"Brother An, don't believe it, don't believe it... It's Yuan Yao who is harming me..."

A sudden laughter rang, "Miss Liang, how many people have you offended, and how do you feel that people all over the world are harming you?"

It was Hu He, the female reporter who happened to be in front of Room 2005 on the 20th floor. ’

As soon as Hu He's words fell, everyone in the audience laughed.

For a while, he bit Mrs. Pei and said that Mrs. Pei had harmed her and was defiled.

For a while, he directly talked to Bai Hao, saying that she was a strong woman.

At this moment, she bit Yuanyinghou again and said she was harming her.

But isn't it, everyone is harming her.

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