Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1994: Are you sure you are okay?

"It makes me feel at ease and qualified to stay by your side... I protect myself, which is equivalent to protecting our family, right? I love you and love couples, so I must love myself more. I will definitely protect myself and will not let myself have things..."

Pei Anzhi's heart was moved by Ye Susu once again, and after a deep tenderness, he tightly embraced Ye Susu in his arms and kept kissing gently on top of her head.

After so many years of her confession countless times, he thought he was used to it enough, but every time, he could be shocked by her, time and time again.

"You woman..."

Pei Anzhi was at a loss, even panicked.

He was at a loss when she said that she loved her again and again and proved that she loved him.

Because he didn't know what he had to do in order to love her well and do more than she loves him.

But every time there is no way, he always takes a step slower, only after she proves that she loves him countless times, he will be helpless and anxious.

Lost to her, he really lost to her.

Became her captive for a lifetime, became her prisoner.

But he was willing to come out for the rest of his life.

Ye Susu obediently nestled quietly in Pei Anzhi's arms, sniffing the faint wormwood scent on Pei Anzhi's body, thinking that he could still nest in his arms so unscrupulously, because of tonight's affairs. All kinds of negative emotions disappeared little by little, and then returned to calm.

"An Zhi..."


After a long time, Ye Susu suddenly said, Pei Anzhi also responded softly to her, the tenderness in the carriage was overflowing, and the voices of the two people were soft and intoxicating.

"I don't plan to reduce the amount of wormwood for you. Let's use it like this in the future. I've been familiar with it for so many years..."

For so many years, such an exclusive breath, only her, two and two, and him.

This is a tacit understanding that only belongs to them, how can they give up when they want to give up?

"Well, do what you say."

Ye Susu smiled and found a comfortable position in Pei Anzhi's arms again.

"So good, what do I say?"

"It's up to you to have a daughter."

Ye Susu sat up from Pei Anzhi's arms.

"What? You really don't want a daughter?"

Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Ye Susu. Suddenly holding Ye Susu's waist with his hand, he lifted Ye Susu onto his leg.

Ye Susu whispered, and as a result, he had already wrapped his arms around Pei Anzhi's neck.

She blushed, turned her head and quickly glanced at the position of the driving seat in front of her. After all, this was in the car, but there were more than two of them. This kind of action...

But as soon as Ye Susu turned his head, he saw that the driver had raised the partition in the car with great vision.

Ye Susu was speechless for a while, turned his head to look at Pei Anzhi, and whispered:

"What are you doing, always scaring me like this..."

Pei Anzhi pecked her lips, "I want to have a daughter with you..."


Ye Susu slapped Pei Anzhi's shoulder lightly, "Can you stop making trouble, this is outside!"

"Then go back and continue?"

"..." Ye Susu paused, looking at Pei Anzhi for a while, then blushed and whispered, "I have been in the hotel several times, are you sure... are you okay now?"

"..." Pei Anzhi choked.

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