Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1998: Damn Xia Mingxiu

What's more, in the end Liang Luo's older brother Liang Qihan arrived. What kind of attitude he was and how he would calm down this trouble, but they were waiting to see.

Therefore, no one pays attention to the coolness.

Liang Luo's mood today is the worst day in his life.

Uniquely bad.

From when she knew that Bai Hao arranged for someone to seduce Pei Anzhi, from when she stepped into this banquet and saw the face of Liang Luo, from when she saw Xia Mingxiu, who had not been seen for many days, looked at her with a cold face, no It's just awful!

That bold and presumptuous steal with Xia Mingxiu, now think about it, it is even more a joke.

When she pulled Ensi Si Ti Su Su to teach her, he not only didn't help her when he appeared, he even stared at her, yelled at her, made a face to her, and said she was endless?

Okay, she's done!

Isn't it done?

She Yuan Yao has been here for so many years by herself, and she is afraid of being lonely and cold!

Without Xia Mingxiu, she still has Wen Qian, Susu, and Mu Yan, and thousands of fans love her!

Going to the elevator aggressively, she said she didn't care, but her eyes were red unconsciously. She gritted her teeth, but the tears dripped down. She hurriedly lowered her head to wipe, cursing in a low voice. "Damn Xia Mingxiu!"

She never shed tears easily, and she has been soaking in water recently, crying whenever something happens!


She was fine, she was not so sensitive and fragile!

She was alone before, and the whole family had no worries. No one loved and no one loved and was used to it. Isn’t it all right?

Now that you think you are loved and liked, become so vulnerable?

"Go to your Xia Mingxiu!"

Yuan Yao cursed fiercely again, slammed her hand, but plunged her head into someone's arms.

Her eyes shook, and her head was briefly blurred.

"Are you OK?"

The voice is familiar.

Yuan Yao raised her head and looked at the man in front of her. She was stunned for a moment before she straightened up, sucked on her red nose, and turned her head to the side.

"Oh, nothing! Sorry..."

After Yuan Yao finished speaking, staring at the up and down buttons of the elevator for a few seconds, she seemed to remember something and turned her head again.

"What are you doing here?"

Compared with Yuan Yao's figure, the man is taller and taller. It seems that as long as he raises his hand, he gives people the illusion of holding Yuan Yao in his arms.

Yuan Yao took a small step back and faintly distanced herself from the man.

However, the man raised his eyes, went over Yuan Yao's head, and looked at the place where the crowd gathered.

Yuan Yao pursed her lips with a clear expression.

"Be busy, I'm leaving now!"

With that, Yuan Yao turned around and walked to the elevator button and pressed the down button.

The elevator stayed on the twenty-first floor, and the elevator door opened quickly.

Yuan Yao didn't stop, and walked in with the skirt.

After entering, as soon as he turned around, the tall figure just followed closely followed.

Yuan Yao didn't know he would come in, but when she turned around, she really jumped down.

"How are you..."

"I will drive you over, shouldn't I also send you back?"

Pei Jinfan smiled slightly, the whole person has the heroic posture of a soldier, with a sense of justice that cannot be provoked, but with a unique gentleness.

Gentle, easy-going, modest gentleman, it is really unpleasant, to be precise, it is difficult not to make people's heart.

ps: I can only say that I have recently met a shameless villain and have been reported secretly too many times. If you keep looking, you should know that the size I described recently has converged a lot, but it is still blocked... Haha. Repeatedly, there is an ordinary group on the top of the group, poke me, I will return the money to you! I feel helpless.

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