Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2000: Self-defeating

The wind on the early autumn night rushed towards her face with a bit of biting cold, and Yuan Yao couldn't help but shudder.

The coat was still upstairs, Yuan Yao wanted to go up and get it, but when she thought about why she was here, she gave up on that idea.

I don't want to see anyone in the Liang family, let alone Xia Mingxiu.

Thinking of Xia Mingxiu, Yuan Yao felt a pain and grievance in her heart.

Without thinking about it, he got out of the elevator.

Pei Jinfan then followed her out of the elevator.

After exiting the revolving door of the hotel, the air-conditioning became stronger, and Yuan Yao got goose bumps, and couldn't help but shiver fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Pei Jinfan took off his suit jacket and put it on Yuan Yao's shoulder.

Yuan Yao glanced at her coat, then turned her head and glanced at him.

Opened his mouth...

Pei Jinfan looked around, and smiled:

"No reporters should have photographed it."

Yuan Yao was amused by Pei Jinfan's cautious look and let out a "poof" laugh.

"It's okay to take the picture, just explain it!"

"What you think is so simple."

Yuan Yao shrugged, "This is the way it was originally. I explained and dispelled the rumors. There are still people who refuse to believe you. After a while, people will naturally dilute the matter. One day, each other’s true love will appear, some gossip, and rumors. There will always be self-defeating."

Yuan Yao said indifferently, it sounded a bit sad.

Pei Jinfan said, "But it happened after all. The original track will change lanes or make many more detours because of it. The person who waits for you at the end of the lane change, and the person at the end of the previous road, It may not be the same person."

Yuan Yao's eyes flashed, and she tugged at her clothes.

"Perhaps, every road is taken by yourself, the end is different, but there will always be an end."

The two stood at the entrance of the hotel for more than a minute, and the doorman drove Pei Jinfan's car over.

"Get in the car!"

Pei Jinfan said softly, stepped to the front of the car, opened the door, and signaled Yuan Yao to get in the car.

Yuan Yao looked at the dim lights inside the car, hesitated for two seconds, and finally raised her foot and walked towards the car.

The skirt was too long. Although the high heels were not high heels, she didn't pay attention to the steps. She didn't lift up the heel, hooked the skirt of the back, and couldn't take the other foot back. The whole body swayed backwards, she subconsciously thought To maintain his balance, he suddenly rushed forward.

After all, Pei Jinfan is a soldier, and his cautiousness, defensive ability, and reaction ability must be more sensitive than ordinary people. After confirming that Yuan Yao has failed to maintain his balance, he took a big step, opened his hand, and directly caught Yuan Yao into his arms.

She didn't feel the expected pain. At the moment she fell forward, she thought of one of the headlines of tomorrow's news idiotically in her mind.

"The shadow queen abused the slut, and then she stumbled and became disabled!"

This Nima has too much contrast!

Just shame can humiliate people!

When she realized that she was perfectly caught by someone, Yuan Yao felt lucky.

"Oh my god! It scared me to death!"

He looked up at Pei Jinfan and smiled stupidly, "Thank you!"

Pei Jinfan has handsome eyebrows, and now his face has some majesty.

"Go back to the military posture for two hours a day!"


Yuan Yao was stunned for a long time, and finally watched Pei Jinfan pop out a word in a daze.

Pei Jinfan's eyes flickered, a little unnatural.

"Sorry, I'm used to training those soldiers..."

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