Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2002: Who has God spared?

"Why, I also let others call from the recruits all the way, the chiefs were called the soldiers, they should accept it! This is the most basic requirement as a soldier. What's more, veterans are not still being called by the recruits. Secretly called'Veteran Youzi' half a catty, who is forgiven by the heavens!"

Yuan Yao opened her eyes incredibly, staring at Pei Jinfan with wide eyes for a long time before finally she couldn't help but laughed out again with a "pouch".

She pointed at Pei Jinfan, her slender fingers trembled, suffocated with a smile, and said: "You...puff haha..."

Yuan Yao really did not expect that this tall, handsome and handsome head could have such a naive and cute mind. It is completely unlike his first impression of being humble, polite, gentle and intangible, giving people a sense of distance. , And the admirable temperament that only military personnel have formed for a long time, the careful thinking at this moment is really flattering.

This strong contrast is really cute,

It is almost limitless to reach Yuan Yao's joy point, not only for his admiration and liking for soldiers, but now he is extremely satisfied with Pei Jinfan.

So cute~

Pei Jinfan looked at Yuan Yao's belly-hugging appearance, and curled her lips slightly.

"Okay, get in the car."

"Hahaha...Veteran Youzi, who is forgiven by the heavens, are so right!"

Yuan Yao couldn't help laughing, but it was difficult to control it.

She shook her head towards Xia Mingxiu and then wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"My god, you are about to laugh at me to death. Who has God spared? Hahahaha..."

Yuan Yao said it herself, looking at a tall, upright, decent man, she couldn't change her face, and she made a burst of laughter again.

He clutched his belly and laughed weakly, and finally held the door of the car, and laughed on the door until he was suffocated.

Making Yuan Yao happy like this was completely beyond Pei Jinfan's expectation.

"Laugh again, go back to five hundred sit-ups!"

Yuan Yao bit her lower lip tightly, and stared at Pei Jinfan with her eyes flushed with a smile. The sparkle of her eyes revealed her effort to bear the smile.

"Five... five hundred... heads, is there a time limit?"

Pei Jinfan was a little funny, "How long do you plan to finish?"

"Fifty days a day, ten days to complete the task!"

Pei Jinfan pulled his lips, a dim light flashed in his smiling eyes.

Looking at Yuan Yao's shaking shoulders again, he said:

"Yes! Smile again, fifty more every second."

Yuan Yao had already begun to laugh, but after hearing Pei Jinfan's words, the laughter finally stopped abruptly.

"No way……"

Pei Jinfan just smiled, did not speak.

Yuan Yao glanced at him suspiciously, then laughed again, "How is it possible? You can still supervise me every day, if I don't do it, what can you do with me?"

"Can't cure you? Get in the car and do five hundred sit-ups. They will be completed before twelve o'clock tonight. I can personally supervise them."

Yuan Yao's eyes widened in an instant, "...The chief is really joking, haha..."

"I'm not kidding..."

Pei Jinfan smiled mildly, but Yuan Yao fought a cold war again. This smile was really creepy.

"Don't think about it, I can't take you anymore. Recently, a certain TV station came to the army to negotiate, and wanted to train all aspects of the quality of the star on the premise of improving the physique of the star, and actually experience the military training life..."

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