It's just doing sit-ups, does she have to wear such clothes to match his identity?

Besides, he is not wearing a military uniform now, but a high-end shirt...

Why is this woman so funny?

He thinks he is not so humorous, even after spending a long time in the barracks, he always looks so unsmiling.

But today, he was really broken by this woman again and again.

I have never seen such an interesting woman, a gentle and calm woman like Susu, and such an interesting friend, it is really hard to believe.

However, it is also a good thing.

This woman is sincere to Susu, and the two people's feelings cannot be ignored.

"Okay, I'm ready, let's start."

Yuan Yao twisted around and said to Pei Jinfan.

Say that wind is rain.

Pei Jinfan couldn't help but nodded.

Pointing to the special area that belongs to Yuan Yao alone in front of him, he said, "Let's go here!"


Yuan Yao responded happily, asked the servant for a mat, kicked off her slippers, lifted her pants, and lay on the mat.

After that, he blinked at Pei Jinfan.

Pei Jinfan pursed her lips, a little unclear about Yuan Yao's eyes.

Yuan Yao continued to look at him, Pei Jinfan's scalp was a little numb.

"What are you thinking?"

Pei Jinfan finally did not hold back asking.

Yuan Yao rolled her eyes.

"Palm, you don't want me to do a hundred sit-ups by myself? If that's the case, I won't do it!"

Pei Jinfan glanced at Yuan Yao's red fruit and white feet, then quickly withdrew his eyes.

Although I understood in my heart, I couldn't help but blush.

He clenched a fist awkwardly and put it to his mouth and coughed twice, already regretting agreeing to enter the villa.

It is possible to train soldiers, but this is not in the army after all, let alone trained female soldiers.

The one in front of him is not a female soldier at all.

Moreover, the time and place are wrong.

It's impossible to say that you can let go.

"Let the servant help you..."

"Big Chief, I think I still need to give some pointers. What should I do if she accidentally makes me flash up to my waist? I will be filming next week!"

When the servant heard this, he took two steps back in panic, and shook his head if he waved his hand at Pei Jinfan.

If Miss Yuan is really injured, then her guilt will be serious, and she does not want to lose this job.

Seeing the servant like this, Pei Jinfan had no choice but to play in person.

Yuanyao's sit-up posture was really not standard. Pei Jinfan helped her make adjustments. At first, she was able to do a few smoothly, but then it got slower and slower. In the end, she couldn’t do three things in a minute. One.

There are less than sixty at this moment, and Pei Jinfan has no patience.

"Step by step is good, let's stop here today..."

"No way!"

Yuan Yao categorically refused, "I can finish it, let me rest for a while, rest for a while and continue!"

After speaking, she lay on the mat, her face was not full of sweat, flushed, and her plump chest rose and fell as she breathed. Yuan Yao stretched out her hand towards her neck and flickered, pulling at her collar to gasp.

He was standing, she was lying down, and he looked at her condescendingly, suddenly embarrassed.

"I finally found a way to spend the winter. One hundred sit-ups a day, it will never get cold again..."

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