Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 202: Only one answer

If it weren't for the conversation between Sheng Zhengyu and Sheng Yuchen in the Sheng's house, if Sheng Zhengyu hadn't stated that he didn't want him to interact with their Chang's family at that time, he would definitely not do this kind of plucking on the tiger's ass.

What his daughter has lost for the Sheng family, their father and son know well!

What is his daughter's only wish for so many years? A smart person like Sheng Yuchen would not fail to notice it.

Chu Chu has been so careful in front of the Sheng family for so many years, but what did he get in the end?

The man she loved turned around and married another woman.

If you marry, you will marry, but unfortunately, the Sheng family still plans to keep a distance from their Chang family.

Everything is because the Sheng family is too self-righteous, everything is because they are too unfeeling.

They are unkind, don't blame him for being unrighteous!

Chang Yikuan had only loved one woman in his life, and he had promised his wife before she died.

He will love their daughter well, he will do well, protect her, love her, and give her everything she wants most.

Over the years, as Chu Chu grew older and more like her mother, that promise became heavier.

Sheng Yuchen has always been nice to Chu Chu, he thought it was inevitable that Chu Chu would finally come together!

However, the reality is just so crushing.

So, he finally made a move against the sky.

Threatening the Sheng family, stifling the lifeline of the Sheng family!

He made adequate preparations and robbed a large-scale arms of the Sheng family!

Fortunately, part of the reason for the sudden emigration of the famous Li family in Fucheng 25 years ago happened to be discovered by him.

Smuggling arms, meet the Sheng family inside and outside.

Really, they all earn the money in the world!

More coincidentally, Sheng Yuchen's wife is Li Zhenghua's illegitimate daughter!

And Li Zhenghua, it is the woman who loves the miserable Mu Weiya!

Everything is easy to say!

Look, even God is watching him!

If Sheng Yuchen doesn't love Mu Chuqing enough, then why not sacrifice a woman just for the Sheng family!

If Sheng Yuchen loves Mu Chuqing in the same way, then as a man, it is impossible to watch his wife lose her parents, and even worse——

Home is broken!

As the Sheng family, he can only choose!

However, no matter what kind of possibility, there is always only one woman who gets hurt!

The former was betrayed by his husband, the latter...

Ha ha, the family broke down and the people died!

Her mother who just wanted to live in her twilight years, the father she just recognized, everyone in the Li family, don't think about getting it right!

In the final analysis, all the problems are with this woman Mu Chuqing!

There is only one answer for Sheng Yuchen's choice.

How to minimize the damage depends on Sheng Yuchen's decision.

So in the end, his goal was achieved!

As long as she helped Chu Chu drive that woman away from Sheng Yuchen's side, she would have no more scruples!

He Chang Yikuan lived his whole life only for his wife and daughter!

In this life, as long as the daughter is happy, he has nothing to ask for!

Regardless of whether Sheng Yuchen loves Chu Chu or not, as long as they are married and have children, they can only be tied to Chu Chu in this life.

However, things are always going off track!

Chu Chu actually lost her womb...

Even in the end, even if Chu Chu successfully transplanted the uterus, even though he knew that the chance of pregnancy is very small, but after more than a year of transplantation, even a seventy-year-old lady could become pregnant, but Chu Chu had no signs of pregnancy!

Everything was out of control, completely contrary to his wishful thinking!

He only hoped that the munitions could be found slowly, and he thought that such scattered munitions would not be easily found within ten or eight years!

However, he still underestimated such a young Sheng Yuchen, such a large batch of arms, he was torn apart at the first time that year, and some even lost contact with himself.

However, in only three years, he found the arms that had been exiled all over the world without losing a gun!

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