"It's all like this, you just realized it, will it be too late."

Yuan Yao continued to stare at him, shoving his shoulders, "I don't want to care about you now!"

"It seems that just giving one step is not enough..."

"What steps...who needs a stage...well..."

Before Yuan Yao finished speaking, Xia Mingxiu raised her head and kissed her chattering lips.

The kiss was very deep, and kissed unhurriedly. In Yuan Yao's subconscious struggle, the warmth that stayed on her lips pried open her teeth somewhat punitively.

Yuan Yao didn't expect Xia Mingxiu to attack suddenly, so he screamed in surprise, and the overflowing sound was lost in his tongue...

Yuan Yao struggled twice, but still couldn't match Xia Mingxiu's strength.

The unbridled kiss, invaded from the tongue, wishing to take away all her breath.


Yuan Yao finally compromised, letting Xia Mingxiu's kiss soften her.

In fact, she didn't really want to continue to be awkward with him. She was angry at first, and then felt unnecessary.

She needs a step down, but she can't admit that she really needs a step.

Xia Mingxiu's kiss was getting deeper and deeper, and he always felt that he had been away for a long time.

"Obviously we only separated last night, why do you still want you so? Huh?"

Xia Mingxiu said, the big palm pinched Yuan Yao's waist and bit her soft lips.

They have been reluctant to apologize, just because of vanity's self-esteem, he is and she is too.

They are easily impulsive, but they always forget the advice of others.

Until now, it doesn't matter whether he was wrong or not, and it made her angry, it was wrong. He compromised, but there was nothing wrong with it.

Until now, I really felt her soft body in my arms, only to realize that this was only one night, and I miss her so deeply.

Yuan Yao was blushing at Xia Mingxiu's words.

"Why, because you are a beast, rascal!"

Yuan Yao panted lightly, staring at Xia Mingxiu, but let Xia Mingxiu bit her lip again and again.

"But only for you!"


"Don't do this again, eh? It feels bad! What do you think?"

"But you bullied me first, you yelled at me in front of so many people!!"

"But you are obedient?... Later, did you know that you did something wrong?"

Yuan Yao shook her head, "That's right, others can't bully Susu like that! Someone wants to kill Susu, I know, can you just leave it alone?!"

Xia Mingxiu said helplessly, "Well, I was wrong. You should take care of it, you should take care of it. But next time you can discuss with me first. Your current status is different. You are not alone now, and there will be many people who want to harass you. There will be a lot of people worrying about you, you know?"

Xia Mingxiu completely compromised. There was no other answer to this question. She naturally wanted to deal with it, but needed a relatively balanced approach.

Xia Mingxiu's words were so pertinent that Yuan Yao couldn't say anything. She was aware of this problem last night.

Now that Xia Mingxiu said so, she nodded instinctively.

"Is this promised?"

Yuan Yao bit her lip and nodded lightly.

The well-behaved appearance made Xia Mingxiu feel soft, pressed Yuan Yao's lips, and kissed again.

After a kiss, he was still not satisfied, and kissed her on the chin again, from the neck all the way down, the tip of the tongue printed a little red spot on Yuan Yao's delicate skin.

Yuan Yao snorted softly, without resisting, she climbed onto his neck, pressed her body, and pressed his kiss.

The sweet smell on his body and the soft touch of his arms pierced the skin of Xia Mingxiu's neck, prompting him to kiss deeper.

The touch of lips and lips couldn't satisfy his expectation of her at all, and the tip of his tongue opened her teeth and broke into her territory mercilessly.

It was raging in her tongue, and even the overflowing soft groans were all lost...

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