Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2023: Fooled by you

"Then I am bullying you, and I still feel sorry for you. If you ran away, I still have to find you. I find you. Every time I find you, I will be **** off by you. , Who is cheaper?"

Yuan Yao stared at Xia Mingxiu for a long time before her eyes were red, and she said aggrieved: "Well, you're still cheap!"

Xia Mingxiu raised his brows, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"How do I feel that there is no sense of superiority?"

Yuan Yao's pouting mouth moved and couldn't help but laugh.

" have to compare with me..."

"...Fucked by you,"

Seeing the clever and wise man finally slumped, Yuan Yao was triumphant with a smile.

Xia Mingxiu suddenly pressed her onto the seat, leaned over and kissed her again.

"Um... don't come again..."

"Just a moment... Do you know how much I miss you?"

As Xia Mingxiu said, he lifted Yuan Yao's shirt and clothes, slid his hand in, and climbed all the way to hold Yuan Yao’s soft chest,

From the inside, the button of her shirt was picked up, revealing the white roundness, and the kiss came as expected.

"... Then, then I miss you... But, but not now..."

However, Xia Mingxiu’s clothes had become messy and unknowingly at any time. His **** chest was exposed, with clear texture, healthy and strong.

For Yuan Yao, it was full of temptation.

So, who pulled his clothes apart.

In any case, Yuan Yao didn't compromise with Xia Mingxiu this time, and kept avoiding Xia Mingxiu to succeed.

Xia Mingxiu did not entangle too much, stole a few kisses, and let Yuan Yao go.

Yuan Yao took the opportunity to open the car door and jumped down.

Xia Mingxiu chuckled, tidyed up his clothes, and got out of the car slowly.

Yuan Yao was tidying up her messy clothes, and seeing Xia Mingxiu getting out of the car, she was already well-dressed, well-organized, and looked like a tall, successful superior, she paused slightly.

After curling his lips, Yin and Yang gave a weird snort.

Exaggeratedly yelled, "Man...the beast in clothing, you are right!"

Xia Mingxiu: "..."

Yuan Yao didn't look at him too much, got to the side of the car, and ran away with the bag.

However, Xia Mingxiu grabbed his arm in time.

"Wrong direction!"

Yuan Yao choked, and was finally dragged by Xia Mingxiu towards the Wutong path on the other side.

Looking at the villas getting closer and closer, Yuan Yao suddenly realized.

"Does the villa allow others to drive in?"


"Isn't that inconvenient!"

Xia Mingxiu glanced at the lonely and majestic villa, and said lightly: "Maybe... just get used to it."

Yuan Yao pursed her mouth and did not speak any more.

Soon, when Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu walked into the villa, Yuan Yao was shocked.

The courtyard of the castle is really big and big, almost the size of two football fields.

But it was very monotonous, there were not many flower clusters, only green plants, and now they are starting to turn yellow gradually, looking a little sad.

Going inside, Yuan Yao was even more speechless. In a good place, he actually planted two vegetable gardens.

Living down the style of such a tall place,

"This this……"

Looking at Xia Mingxiu, Yuan Yao was really speechless at the scene in front of her.

Xia Mingxiu just chuckled and said nothing.

He took her all the way and continued to walk forward, until he was about to approach the villa, when he let go of Yuan Yao's hand and walked inside.

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