Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2043: Feel like a dog

Besides, what does it have to do with him if the scale is too big?

This is not about acting, and this drama is his masterpiece.

Could it be that he can't get close to women himself, and he can't see that others can't get close together?

This is too dictatorial, right?

"Mr. Xia...when the time comes, you don't need to come here..."

The assistant director's words were another pause. Seeing Xia Mingxiu's cold gaze suddenly swept over, his entire face wrinkled together.

Not only did 10,000 horses run wild in my heart, there was also a dog, no, it was countless dogs, and it felt like countless dogs.

What's the matter?

What did she say wrong? !

How do you feel that everything he just said is offending the big boss!

"I mean... Mr. Xia, if you resist this kind of scene, don't watch it. Then you just look at the finished product..."

As the deputy director explained, Xia Mingxiu's mood did not improve a little bit, but instead became more and more gloomy.

Yuan Yao stuffed half of the bun in her mouth, picked up the juice on the side and took two sips, then stood up, pointed at a celebrity they had just chatted with, the agitated cheeks, and said vaguely :

"Then who, lend me the charger!"

The little star pointed at was stunned, nodded in a daze, and then reacted again, wishing to leave this cold place.

But as soon as his hips left the chair, Xia Mingxiu's cold words rang again.

"Have you finished breakfast?"

Yuan Yao had a meal, and subconsciously raised her head and glanced at the little star who had already gotten up on the opposite side. He glanced at the dining table in front of him. The eggs were finished, the porridge was finished, and the buns were finished.

And she looked down at the things in front of her eyes again. A bowl of porridge hadn't moved yet, and the egg was still lying alone on the plate, and there was a bun next to it...

Yes, she did not move twice.

She really wants to eat more.

The sight of everyone present also gathered towards her. Yuan Yao's scalp numbly swept across everyone’s faces, and then lightly fell on Xia Mingxiu’s face.

And Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows, her lips curled up with a smile that couldn't be said faintly, looked at her, and said in a very "gentle" manner:

"Hey, finish breakfast..."

Yuan Yao's eyelids twitched, her bright black eyes rolled in her eye sockets, and when she dangled the people around her, seeing everyone looking at her with surprised expressions, her heart suddenly jumped twice.

Then angrily put his gaze on Xia Mingxiu's face.

"You can work well if you have enough food. After the filming, don't affect the progress of the entire crew because you are hungry. Although you are now my artist, there are still some principles..."

Xia Mingxiu's words rang faintly again, Yuan Yao's tight body instantly relaxed, and the people watching at the scene also suddenly realized.

Oh, it turned out to be like this, turned out to be like this!

Xia Mingxiu's indifferent icy gaze swept across the crowd around the dining table. He slowly leaned on the back of the chair behind him, opened his thin lips, and said indifferently, coldly and warmly:

"What's the matter with you? Why is this expression?"

As he spoke, his gaze was already on Yuan Yao who was standing.

I looked at Yuan Yao and then at the breakfast on the table in front of her.

Yuan Yao pursed her lips and sat back on the chair again.

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