Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2045: Read the script

But they didn't stay quiet for long, but Xia Mingxiu took the script in his hand and squinted at the script.

"Crazy twisting body?"

The audience was silent, the assistant director was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reflected, nodded, and after awkwardly answered "Yes", Xia Mingxiu's face sank.

"Tear the wedding dress to reveal a ****, the actor kisses her neck, collarbone, chest, along to the flat belly?"

The assistant director nodded harder.

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth secretly, then read to the script:

"Hands covered her softness, kneaded, ***, entangled with each other inseparably..."

"Uh...en..." The assistant director bit the bullet and nodded again.

what is it today?

In the past, when I told the actors about **** scenes, there was no awkward feeling at all. This is an art, the supreme art, no matter what it is, they will treat it the same.

But today, it feels so awkward when someone reads this script that is normal for them.

In response to another nod from the assistant director, Xia Mingxiu's teeth made a slight noise as they rubbed hard, and his eyes were placed on the script again, his face getting darker.

"Tear off her broken wedding dress and kissed fiercely while holding her hand..."

The tight joints of Xia Mingxiu's hand holding the script turned white, and the place he held it was already wrinkled.

Yuan Yaoan sat aside quietly, almost buried her head in the porridge bowl under her.

If she could, she really wanted to find a place to sew in,

"He put his hand into the warm and soft place inside her leg..."

After Xia Mingxiu finished speaking, he threw the script "slap" on the table, and he took it up from the chair.

Everyone was taken aback by his actions, and they tried their best to hide, and the chair under the buttocks rubbed against the ground with a harsh sound.

Yuan Yao wanted to cry without tears.

My heart was wailing, and he glanced at the assistant director next to him very sadly.

for! What! What! !

Want to discuss this issue? !

for! What! What! !

And show him the script!

He is at best a money-making investment!

What does he know about the script? !

He is an uncle, can you not show him such basic things?

have a look!

Now make people messy!

But the only person present who knew the reason for this was Yuan Yao.

The others looked at the sudden situation in front of them with amazement, and unclearly.

"Xia... President Xia, you... what's wrong?"

Xia Ming's body moved slightly, his sharp black eyes slid to one side in his eye sockets, staring at the speaking assistant director.

The assistant director thought it was a zoo.

There are countless animals that can gallop and there are countless dogs that can never end.

Who can tell him what the **** is going on?

Is he really too stupid?

Didn't find any clues at all?

Xia Mingxiu really had an urge to lift the dining table in front of him, and his gaze fell on Yuan Yao again.

Yuan Yao's body stretched, and then shrank into a ball like an ostrich.

This is the script for her to read, this is the script that she can recite upside down for so many days!

There is such a large-scale problem, she has never mentioned a word to him!

It's so good!

Xia Mingxiu stared at Yuan Yao for a long while and suddenly laughed.

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