Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2048: What should I do with Yuan Yao?

"Okay!" Xia Mingxiu interrupted Lin Huai impatiently. After that, he remained silent for a while and continued: "Can you cut it off!"


Lin Huai was silent and did not speak for a long time.

"No?" Xia Mingxiu asked rhetorically.

"Mr. Xia, this film is going international. We have to win the most important awards this year thanks to him. What's more, this is not a literary film, it is a film that is more commercialized, and it reflects the most realistic reality in China On the other hand, the script has been evaluated, this kind of scale, we have finally passed the review in China, such a good opportunity, delete..."

"No, the scale is too big! Without these scenes, it will not affect the quality of the film itself."

"Will it affect? ​​But it will indeed reduce the social influence of the film itself, will it? How will the International Committee judge it then?"

Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows became tighter and tighter, and his mood was obviously at a minimum.

But he hadn’t spoken yet, Lin Huai’s voice rang again, "Furthermore, President Xia, what about Yuan Yao, have you asked her for her opinion? Although I don’t have much contact with her, I see people pretty well. Her attitude towards work... If you let her know that you intervened in this matter and cut off her scenes, how would she react and what would be the consequences? Did you expect it?"

Xia Mingxiu stretched out his hand and squeezed his eyebrows.

Unimaginable, Xia Mingxiu didn't know how far Yuan Yao would have trouble with him if he really interfered in this matter.

Just making trouble, it is already very certain.


Xia Mingxiu gritted her teeth and asked her to make such an intimate act with other men...

Should Yuan Yao obediently compromise, or should he pass his own level,

She is an actor, as long as she is an actor, she will receive this kind of play sooner or later.

He can stop it this time, but can he stop it next time.

"I see, let's do this first."

Xia Mingxiu could not make a firm decision on this matter.

At this time, he could not make any impulsive decisions.

Lin Huai is right, the significance of this play is too great,

What he cares about is really not how much glory this drama can win for him, for Aurora, and for all actors.

All he cares about is Yuan Yao's beautiful dream.

It also happens to be the dream he strongly awaits,

Missed this time, the next opportunity may be there, but it may be indefinitely.


But he didn’t want to wait anymore, Wen Qian didn’t want to. They desperately needed a perfect ending, but this matter lay between them,

There are two extremes again.

She compromised.

He compromised.

He closed his eyes deeply, and exhaled a heavy breath. In the end, there was still a gloom in his heart. Whether his brows were not scattered, he was dull all the way to the kindergarten where Wen Qian was located.

Because there are activities in the kindergarten today, there are many private cars in front of the school, and naturally there are more people than usual.

In order to take care of the parents' time, the park specially arranged the sports meeting to the weekend.

There was no parking place outside the park gate. Xia Mingxiu got out of the car and asked the driver to drive away. The activity ended and the phone contacted him.

Looking at the bustling crowd outside the garden, Xia Mingxiu's stern face became more gloomy.

Wen Qian had already followed one of Ye Susu and Pei An, he called Pei Anzhi, and it didn't take long before Ye Susu brought two little guys to the door to meet him.

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