Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, raised her foot and walked towards the office...

Yuan Yao was taking a sip of water nervously at the moment, seeing the highlight coming soon!

The whole person stared intently at the screen. During the period, he secretly admired the woman's **** as white and tender, and then watched the man separate the woman's legs...

When Xia Mingxiu opened the office door, Yuan Yao was still concentrating and didn't even notice that the door had been opened.

When Xia Mingxiu opened the door, he habitually looked towards the sofa, but found no figure of Yuan Yao, but the familiar bag on the sofa was turned over in a mess.

The eyebrows frowned slightly, the man had already entered the door of the room at the moment, and his sight shifted to his desk in the next second.

Yuan Yao swallowed again with a "gudong", staring at the screen tightly, watching the woman's shy posture, and then a certain part of the man suddenly appeared on the screen!


Yuan Yao sighed in surprise and frightened Xia Mingxiu who had just entered the door. When Xia Mingxiu didn't react at all, she heard Yuan Yao shout again: "It's so ugly! It's ugly!"

Xia Mingxiu's brows wrinkled tightly, and she stood at the door very weirdly looking at the woman sitting on his office chair, covering her eyes with one hand, and screaming with her teeth and claws.

What was she smoking there?

What is so ugly, ugly?

Just staring at the computer screen intently, what is she looking at?

With a "bang", Xia Mingxiu closed the door.

Yuan Yao looked back subconsciously and saw Xia Mingxiu walking towards here with a stern face.

Yuan Yao's head went blank, and she was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, she heard a long moan from the woman in the headset.

She became even more stiff, "God! Go in!"

But as soon as her own voice came out, her sanity was also awakened. Seeing Xia Mingxiu approached, she was in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

I had to turn around and waved to Xia Mingxiu, "You... don't come here yet! Whoops——"

But when the executive chair turned, the headset was torn off when plugged into the computer, and her ears hurt to death!

She covered her ears painfully, rubbed vigorously, while "hissing" inhaling cold air,

Her ears were burning and sore, and her hands kept rubbing her ears. At this moment, she had no idea that her earphones had been separated from the computer because of the movements. The whole office was now floating around, and it was a woman who said "umh" and "ahhh". The gasp with a man, sometimes the voice of two people talking, and the sound of ambiguous water,

Xia Mingxiu had already walked to Yuan Yao's side at this moment. When he heard these voices, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he glanced at the computer screen, his face turned black.

Yuan Yao lowered her head and was still rubbing her ears, but she saw the earphone plug under her feet and gradually stopped rubbing her ears. She stretched out her hand and pulled the earphone cable, and found that it was definitely her earphone.

The hand placed on the ear was slightly lifted, and the red ear with the rim carefully listened to the surrounding sounds. When hearing those unsuitable voices for children, Yuan Yao bit her lip and closed her mouth tightly.

That's it!

Was caught!

Slowly raised his head, followed Xia Mingxiu's bright leather shoes, slid a little bit past the stiff trousers, the decent suit jacket, and then to the delicate tie, setting them on his handsome facial features!

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