Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2067: Actual combat!

"You have the time and energy to look at this kind of things, desire--isn't it my fault that the dissatisfaction is so obvious? It's just that you didn't expect your owe to be so heavy that you didn't feed you last night?"

Hey...feed your sister!

Yuan Yao stared at him vigorously, but this fierce gaze was in Xia Mingxiu's eyes without any attack power.

On the contrary, he knew that he was not Xia Mingxiu's opponent, but he still wanted to show a ferocious expression.

It looks alive like a kitten with its fur exploded in front of him, indescribably cute.

Xia Mingxiu smiled lightly, leaned close to her, her ridiculous voice was charming, and said:

"If this is the case, then I have to work harder! I will feed you now, OK?"

As Xia Mingxiu said, the fingers clasped on the back of Yuan Yao's head were still groping Yuan Yao's ears that had just been ripped by the earphones, rubbing gently from time to time to help her carefully drive away the pain.

Then, I slowly noticed that the ear became redder and redder.

Yuan Yao's face was flushed by Xia Mingxiu's ambiguous words, and she hid behind her back. Xia Mingxiu clasped her big hand on the back of her head, but firmly supported her and directly printed her lips on her lips.


Yuan Yao's eyes widened in an instant, until Xia Mingxiu's tongue rushed into her air, absorbing the sweetness of her mouth wantonly, Yuan Yao still had only one thought in her mind.

I also watched the film, and I'm afraid I can't escape in actual combat!

In Yuan Yao's hilarious loss, Xia Mingxiu had already captured her by conquering her.

He kissed her lips carefully, the smooth tip of his tongue kept making circles on her sensitive upper jaw, and then wrapped her tongue heavily, entangled hard.

Yuan Yao finally got her breath back, Xia Mingxiu was still kissing her, but he put his hands in the hem of her short coat.

Then she slid over her body and squeezed her shoulders in Yuan Yao's accident.

Changed the way?

Her shoulders are more attractive than her breasts?

This thought only stayed in her mind for a moment before it disappeared.

Where does he touch?

Wherever she touches her meat!

The posture of raising her head and kissing made Yuan Yao feel a little sore in her neck. She slowly leaned on the back of the executive chair, clasped Xia Mingxiu's shoulders with her hands, and pulled him down for a few minutes.

Xia Mingxiu's body bends, feeling Yuan Yao pulling down his neck and actively kissing him, the corners of his busy lips slightly hooked.

After that, he hugged Yuan Yao hard, and when Yuan Yao opened her ruddy mouth in surprise, Xia Mingxiu had already sat on the executive chair, and Yuan Yao sat on his lap with his arms tight. He put his arms around his neck, his face was still in shock.

Xia Mingxiu put her arm around her shoulder, and at this moment, she suddenly slipped down and slid to her back. In the next second, she only felt that the restraint on her chest was loosened, and the chest-clothes were untied!

It wasn't the shoulders, but her **** were what really attracted him.

But she noticed something later, and looked towards the door.

After that, he blushed and looked at Xia Mingxiu.

"Don't...someone will come in..."

Xia Mingxiu got up and pecked her lips, then she smiled charmingly, "Do you think, who would dare to enter my office without my permission?"

Yuan Yao blinked, with a touch of relaxation, finally smiled and pointed at herself, and said with a smile: "I!"

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