She took the initiative to hook his neck, raised her head and kissed Xia Mingxiu's lips...

The same fierce makes it hard to fight. Fragrant

Slippery ********, brute force, broke in, one hand is even more anxious, groping, unbuttoning Xia Mingxiu’s shirt,

Xia Mingxiu was completely affected by Yuan Yao's reckless behavior-

Fiery, the long body is pressed down and down, Yuan Yao's kiss is hot-

Lie, Xia Mingxiu's kiss is stronger.

The two people are like two enemies who are constantly confronting each other. She is struggling, and he is even worse than her, but in the end he can always reach a tacit understanding, following each other rhythmically, entangled,

Although supporting Yuan Yao's waist, Yuan Yao finally lay flat on the desk.

Xia Mingxiu finally released her at this moment, and a silver thread was drawn between the lips of the two.

Yuan Yao was free, panting quickly, the two on her chest-

The snow-white softness quivered with her breath.

Xia Mingxiu's eyes were caught in this beautiful scene. His dark eyes narrowed again, and his breathing was rough-

Between weight, the person has been lowered, and her top-

The end was held between the lips and teeth.


Yuan Yao's body suddenly bowed, trembling all over.

Xia Mingxiu carefully supported her waist to avoid her collision, the fiery and rough tongue curled her-

On the cornel in front of her chest, Yuan Yao bit her lower lip tightly, even holding her breath, not daring to relax any more.

Because she knows that as long as she relaxes, she can't stop screaming, and even surrender at the moment of relax.

Xia Mingxiu glanced up at her, pulled her lips lightly, and touched her other side with one hand, gently hooking her fingertips.


Yuan Yao first groaned forbearingly, and finally slumped and fell heavily on the desk, opening her mouth and yelling out without forbearance.

Xia Mingxiu smiled with satisfaction, the kiss spread all the way, his lips were like flames, and Yuan Yao was almost burned.

"Ah...Xia...Xia Mingxiu——"

Yuan Yao's low and weak voice sounded with an unbearable anger.


Xia Mingxiu raised her head, her eyes full of hopelessness with sparks, her low voice was more like a fuse, covering Yuan Yao's whole body, pulling her longing out of every pore on her body.

The marrow knows the taste.

She wanted the ultimate comfort Xia Mingxiu gave her every time, the unstoppable, the unignorable, the comfort and happiness that could not be suppressed by gritting her teeth.

She closed her misty eyes slightly, her eyelashes quivered slightly, raised her hand, and her soft hand slid in along the edge of his unbuttoned shirt, caressing aimlessly—

Touched his skin.

Xia Mingxiu snorted, gritted his teeth and pressed down the heat that came up suddenly.

Yuan Yao worked hard for so long, but didn’t wait for Xia Mingxiu’s response. She started to feel a little anxious and caught him.

The legs around the waist used a little force.

Xia Mingxiu got closer to her, and the heat somewhere hit her leg-

Root, even moved slightly twice.

Yuan Yao's breathing became faster again, her face was redder than before.

She thought that Xia Mingxiu was enough to wait, but after she waited for a long time, Xia Mingxiu still did not move.

She bit her lip shyly, opened her eyes and looked at him, weakly calling him: "Xia Mingxiu..."

Xia Mingxiu curled her lips, lowered her head and kissed her lips, then kissed the corners of her lips continuously, and asked, "What's wrong?"

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