Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 207: Perfect male god

Seeing Li Zhenghua, Diaoerlang said hello locally.


Li Zhenghua snorted indifferently, which was considered a response.

"Do you still know to come back?"

Li Yufeng hugged Doudou and slammed himself on the soft sofa, pinching the tender cheeks of Xiaodoudou, and said in a very fond tone:

"Because I miss my little bean!"


Xiaodoudou nodded heavily in agreement.

" brat!"

Li Zhenghua's angry beard almost turned up, and there were ten million regrets in his eyes when he looked at Li Yufeng!

I hate iron but not steel!

The Li family’s big family business is now being protected by others with great care!

This serious heir is not good. He has to go to some entertainment industry to be someone else's actor!

It took me several months after I left, and I couldn't even see the roots.

It's also because there is a Doudou next to him, otherwise, he is afraid that he will not want to return to this home for ten and a half years!

"What do you come back for?"

Furious, still such a son after all!

Li Yufeng looked up at Li Zhenghua and then at Doudou.

"I'm going to the mainland for filming next month, Fucheng, thinking about whether to bring Doudou back to see my sister!"

"Okay, okay..." Doudou's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands happily, twisting her small body, very cute.

"No way!"

As soon as he got up, Li Zhenghua interrupted him with a low growl.

Li Yufeng didn't have much expression on his face, but Doudou could hang a bottle of vinegar with a small mouth.

"Why? Doudou misses her mother! Doudou wants to find her mother!"

"That's not okay! You don't know how stupid your uncle is. He can lose himself. You can rest assured to follow him?"

Seeing Doudou's unhappy, Li Zhenghua's tone softened a little, and turned his spear directly at Li Yufeng's body, and pointed the bayonet at Li Yufeng's sore spot.

That's right!

In the entertainment industry, the most perfect male **** is Li Yufeng!

The brokerage company made his image too perfect and impeccable.

However, the brokerage company concealed one of Li Yufeng’s biggest shortcomings from the people, that is--

Li Yufeng's sense of direction is extremely bad, and he has absolutely no impression if he can't walk a road ten times.

He is no longer the problem of Lu Chi, but a super big Lu Chi!

It is a race that calls for special care.

Li Yufeng's perfect handsome face was completely black. He put Doudou on the sofa, stood up, and said angrily:

"I have an agent by my side, an assistant, and a smart navigator in my bag. With these, who would use his brain to remember!"

"I care about what's in your bag, Doudou can't follow you anyway!"

Li Zhenghua was too lazy to listen to Li Yufeng's words, and with a big wave of his hand, he walked towards Doudou.

Doudou hugged Li Yufeng's thigh and looked at Li Zhenghua pitifully with blinking eyes.

"Grandpa, I want to play with my uncle now!"


Li Yufeng cried out in pain, picked up Xiao Doudou and buried it in her neck, pretending to cry.

Li Zhenghua looked at Li Yufeng's eyes, even more annoyed!

This stinky boy, when will he really grow up, and take on some things for him!


Growled furiously and turned upstairs.

"Uncle, is what you said is true? Do you really want to bring Doudou to find her mother?"

"Of course, when did Uncle deceive you!"

"But Grandpa..."

"Don't worry! Uncle will steal you out by then! He can't catch us!"

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