Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2074: An impure prize

Unless Xia Mingxiu that beast.

I really don't know how vigorous his energy is. It is him who is clearly working hard, but she is the only one who will die.


After this time, I am afraid that I will not meet again for a long time in the future.

My heart gradually fell, and when I fell, I fell asleep in a daze.


Xia Mingxiu worked outside the office for more than an hour. The door of the office was knocked. Xia Mingxiu answered the door, and the guard on duty delivered the order.

After putting it on the coffee table, he left again.

Only then did Xia Mingxiu put down the work at hand, leaned back on the chair, frowning slightly.

Looking at the food box on the coffee table, he got up for a long while, holding the phone, and walked slowly to the French window.

I turned on the phone and stood there for a long time, shaking my fingers on the phone for a long time, and finally made a call,

The phone didn't answer for a while, and when someone picked it up, Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips. After the other party greeted him, he spoke slowly.

"Lin Huai..."

Lin Huai was silent for two seconds there, and finally sighed helplessly, "I know what you mean, Mr. Xia, I take this matter to my heart, I will try my best to cut it out according to the situation, but I cannot guarantee a certain scale. nothing."

"What about the double?"

"What if you win the prize? Can you let the substitute receive the prize?"

"Stand-in is okay, but the award itself is not pure! Miss Yuan will not agree. It sounds very hypocritical, right! But this is the dignity of an actor."

Xia Mingxiu frowned tightly, and after a long silence, he hung up the phone directly.

It's okay to be a substitute, but what if it really wins?

What's the point of an impure award?

He once thought about it, only this time, only this time!

But just now, he couldn’t even accept her peeking at that kind of movie, let alone let others touch,

She belongs to him, shouldn't she also be pure?

However, he still wants to achieve her dream,

Nothing is more contradictory to him now. ,

He is really greedy, always thinking about the best of both worlds.

He stretched out his hand to pinch his eyebrows, sighed lightly, turned and walked towards the lounge.

Yuan Yao slept very well, Xia Mingxiu checked the time and had already slept for two hours.

Sitting on the side of the bed, looking at the sleeping little woman in the dark, the brows were still not completely loosened.

God knows how entangled he is now, letting other men touch him is really a difficult decision,

In the end, Xia Mingxiu put away the solemnity on his face, leaned over, and kissed Yuan Yao lightly on the tip of his nose.

Yuan Yao's eyelashes trembled, showing no sign of waking up.

Xia Mingxiu kissed twice again, Yuan Yao pouted, and reached out to push him away, but was held in his palm.

The posture was uncomfortable, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but she couldn't do it.

Her brows were frowning tightly, and her eyes opened slowly. A pair of distressed eyes were a bit angry. When she saw Xia Mingxiu who was next to her, Yuan Yao blinked her eyes, and then she touched the eyes. The anger was taken back.

She turned over and buried her face on Xia Mingxiu's waist, "So sleepy..."

Xia Mingxiu stroked her hair and said softly: "Then are you hungry?"

Yuan Yao was silent for a while, then turned around, looked at Xia Mingxiu, smiled slyly, "Hungry!"

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