Several people raised their heads and glanced at Yuan Yao, who was sitting on the bed, before sighing without resentment. When they saw the man standing beside them, they took another breath!

I saw President Xia, who had just been imagined by them, standing beside them with a calm face at this moment, the sight at this moment had just been retracted from Yuan Yao's direction, and he glanced at them coldly.

However, what made them even more surprised was that the clothes on President Xia were so familiar?

Think about it carefully, isn't that the suit that Yan actor wore when he attended the wedding in the drama a few days ago?

The style is almost exactly the same!

He was obviously not wearing this suit just now!

Could it be...

Then he denied it immediately.

how is this possible? !

He is the president of Aurora International and the overlord of most of the entertainment industry. Wouldn't it be easy for him to find an actor who is similar to the actor?


Guilty of himself...

This kind of thing, I can’t even think about it,

Moreover, President Xia himself doesn't like approaching women, and there is no need to endure approaching Yuanying Empress specially for this substitute, right?

It is probably impossible!

Is Xia always the kind of person who tolerates and seeks perfection?

For a play, to endure to this point?

However, it seemed that the interaction between Mr. Xia and Yuan Yao seemed normal, and he didn't see any place he was forbearing.

After all, in the morning, President Xia was holding Yuan Yao's hand. That's natural!

Is it possible that if the actor said to find a substitute, he had already colluded?

Yuan Yao is one of the best actresses who have played with the actor.

Although sometimes he often confronted the actor Yan, he was obviously joking. It could be seen that the actor Yan didn't really hate Yuan Yao.

I have never heard of it before, but there is a rumors that the actor has a substitute!

Now for such an important scene, he threatened to find a substitute, but in fact, he really found a substitute.

Rather than being a substitute, it is better to say that Yan Siming, the actor Yan, was replaced by Mr. Xia.

If the scene they saw when they had breakfast is true, then in fact, Xia Zong and Yuan Yao are already together, if Xia Zong doesn’t want other men to take advantage of his girlfriend, so everything is right. pass.

But they still don't want to just believe that, President Xia will actually "go into the sea" for this reason!

That is President Xia, holding most of the lifeblood of the entertainment industry in his hand!

Even if he doesn't want Yuan Yao to be touched by others, he can find an actress to replace Yuan Yao!

Why is it so troublesome!

If this spreads...

They took a breath of cold air instantly!

Passed out his second uncle!

Yesterday, they all signed a contract with sky-high price compensation. They didn't talk about it and broke the house, and they won't be able to finish the compensation in the next life!

Who dares to spread it? !

It's just indirect death.

Think about it, they are still too naive, and they are so used to signing confidentiality agreements that they signed the contract without thinking.

However, there is a lot of compensation.

Lin Huai greeted Xia Mingxiu when he saw Xia Mingxiu coming in, "Ms. Xia!"

Yuan Yao, who was sitting on the bed, looked up at Xia Mingxiu upon hearing this.

The reddish eye sockets and the slightly pouting mouth formed a face of grievance, which makes people feel distressed when they look so pitifully!

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