Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2105: Surprised?

A pure white wedding dress, the lining of her is even more beautiful and flawless, the collarbone is exquisite and beautiful, and the beautiful neck is attached to the top, which is very beautiful.

A thought came to Xia Mingxiu's heart. Seeing Yuan Yao's appearance, he suddenly curled his lips and hugged her waist, bringing her closer to her!

Yuan Yao subconsciously pressed his shoulders, not allowing herself to get closer to him.

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows and didn't force it. Instead, he raised his head, looked at her, and asked:

"What was wronged just now?"

Dare to say that she wants to try an intimate scene with Yan Siming?

" you have a pit in your brain? Are so many people watching?"

Xia Mingxiu was helpless. It was this time. Hasn't she discovered anything yet?

Raising her chin slightly, she kissed Yuan Yao's lips in front of everyone.

Yuan Yao was stunned for an instant, and there were obvious air-conditioning sounds around her.

She covered her mouth, blushing, and turned her head to look at the people around her.

Dao Lin was debugging the machine calmly as before. Just now, a few people looked at them dumbfounded for an instant, their expressions were not much different from that of Thunder.

But they quickly reacted again, and immediately looked at Yuan Yao with ambiguous eyes.

Yuan Yao bit her lip, looking at their appearance, it is estimated that they should know what they should not know, they already know.

But what is Xia Mingxiu trying to make?

Didn’t you say that you should not disclose your good relationship?

What if it spreads out and causes unnecessary public opinion? !

She turned to look at Xia Mingxiu, angrily said:

"What are you doing?"

"Don't understand? Then kiss again..."

Yuan Yao quickly covered her lips!

A pair of big eyes stared at Xia Mingxiu for unknown reasons, even with anger, maybe he could really pounce on Xia Mingxiu in the next second!

However, in this way, the relationship can't be covered anymore!

"Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Didn't you say that... Are you wearing makeup? Why did you change your clothes? Why are your clothes so familiar?"

Yuan Yao's words took a sharp turn, because looking at Xia Mingxiu up close, he did find traces of makeup on his face, and the clothes were not the ones he wore in the morning!

What is he going to do?

Start changing clothes constantly in the morning?

Xia Mingxiu is very helpless. If he can, he doesn’t want to put on makeup, but he and Yan Siming are not alone after all. Although you don’t need a front face during shooting, you still need to show your profile face. In fact, he told Yan Siming. His skin tone is still one degree away. In order to achieve zero deviation, he can only use his hands and feet on his face. This is also helpless!

But, is this woman too late to find out?

Yuan Yao stretched out her hand to pull at Xia Mingxiu's suit, frowning and wondering why this suit was so familiar.

At this moment, Director Lin suddenly shouted:

"Okay, everyone is in place and shooting will begin in a minute!"

Yuan Yao suddenly turned her head when she heard the words, frowning and wondering:

"One minute? Where is the actor who played with me? Haven't you come yet?"


Dao Lin said lightly, looked at Xia Mingxiu, then turned his head and ordered the others.

Yuan Yao noticed Lin Huai's gaze, turned to look at Xia Mingxiu, his gaze swept across his face and clothes, and she was completely stunned...

A pretty little face, with a dumbfounded expression stiff!

Xia Mingxiu looked so funny, and approached her with a smile:

"Are you surprised?"

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