Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2136: It's not life and death

But after all, he is Ye Susu's precious son, and Ye Susu can clearly see the loss from that small body.

After Xia Mingxiu drove the car away, Pei Yunze turned around, did not look at Pei Anzhi and Ye Susu, and directly said: "I will go upstairs to sleep first", and walked past the two people with his calves.

"Two by two..."

Ye Susu really feels distressed,

She yelled softly and didn't get Pei Yunze's response, until Pei Yunze went upstairs, Ye Susu still didn't look back.

"Well, it's not a parting."

"There is no sign...the two of them are rare to be company, they play very well! Wen Qian both cried... the two are obviously sad too..."

"There must be this day! That kid has his own family. Yuan Yao is his mother and Xia Mingxiu is his father. This is something you and I can't, let alone replace. Don't worry about being in pairs, some things, He can think about it himself. This little parting and little feelings are unbearable, and there will be more things in the future, how he needs to face it, I can’t rely on him for everything, I have to help him in everything. Come forward! Pei's family, no, it's my Pei Anzhi's son. It can't be a tyrannical second generation ancestor who relies on his family's background and is unlearned!"

Yuan Yao shook her head, "Two by two, he is very smart, you know, he can't..."

"How bad a mother is! You have done enough, don't get used to him too much."

Besides, is it something particularly sad to let that kid leave? I'm in a school every day, and I'll see you when I look up. What's so sad about it.

Ye Susu was a little bit sad by Pei Anzhi's just saying "Loving mothers often lose children".

She can’t wait to give all the good things in the world to her. No matter how much she gives, she will never feel that she is not enough. Every time she feels that she is not doing well enough, but in An Zhi’s eyes, she has reached that point. Yet?

She obviously is about to leave her five-year-old son behind, and she is at ease with her husband. Is she really enough?

Pei Anzhi looked at her with a distressed and self-blaming expression, and patted her shoulder gently.

"Well, they will meet tomorrow. It is estimated that the two of them are already looking forward to meeting tomorrow."

Ye Susu was silent for a moment and sighed softly.

Pei Anzhi put her in his arms, stroked her body, and kissed her on the forehead.

" big deal, eh?"

Ye Susu wrinkled her nose, "But I still can't see the dilemma..."

"Well, I'll help you to see him, after you finish, go wash first."


"I'll give it to him!" Pei Anzhi was helpless.

Ye Susu nodded. At this time, if she appeared in front of each other again, she might feel more distressed.

Although Anzhi is right, but...

After all, the couples are flesh and blood falling from her body, she must not see him sad...

She even had the idea of ​​going out with An Zhi, leaving only two, she really couldn't bear to...

Pei Anzhi took the milk upstairs, Ye Susu looked at his back, and gently bit his lower lip, his expression tangled.

Then, with that tangled face, he cleaned up the kitchen briefly and went upstairs.

Standing at the top of the stairs, she looked towards the two-by-two room, looked at the floor of the corridor, and did not see the light in the room, knowing that the door was not open, and the idea of ​​going to sneak a peek became empty. .

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