She has never experienced it, she just thinks that this string of forms is what all women yearn for, and it is the fair treatment that all women want to get,

But now she didn't know what they thought, but she was very nervous.

I don’t know if it’s really because she is too cautious, she really takes things too seriously,

Nodding, she will always give herself to Xia Mingxiu, she will do it, at least to be worthy of Xia Mingxiu's kneeling.

So she was nervous. She was suddenly afraid that she could not do what a wife should do, and she was afraid that she could not respond to Xia Mingxiu's feelings.

Yuan Yao really regretted it. If she got the certificate in a confused way, she would really have no such thoughts.

Why does she have to think about asking for a marriage proposal?

"Yuan Yao, marry me."

Yuan Yao suddenly regained consciousness, with a trembling gaze retracting from the ring, Zhizhi Wang entered Xia Mingxiu's dark eyes.

That is anticipation and tension.

Despite the novelty, Yuan Yao didn't have the mood to watch the entanglement at this moment, but bit her lip lightly, with tears in her eyes, and looked at Xia Mingxiu.

After a long time, she said softly: "Xia Mingxiu..."

Xia Mingxiu's heart suddenly tightened.


"I'm not that good, I'm really stupid, and I have a bad temper. When I am heartless, I am angry with myself. Will you be able to bear me in the future? I may not learn to be a competent person like that. Wife...Will you not be able to take it anymore, then don't want me...If that's the case, I..."

"You don't believe me?" Xia Mingxiu interrupted her suddenly, "I thought there was no obstacle between us. You are stupid, with a bad temper, and heartless. I didn't know it the first day. You think I am Do you marry a wife casually?"

Yuan Yao looked at Xia Mingxiu for a long time, tears streaming from her eyes, and people laughed.

Xia Mingxiu smiled slightly, "You should be more confident in yourself."

Yuan Yao raised her hand and wiped the tears from her face, and said proudly: "Yes, you are not at a loss, I am the queen! There are not many queens in the world, let alone just worthy of you. The shadow queen. Fortune telling you, it's cheaper for you!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and raised her slender ring finger.

Xia Mingxiu smiled, took out the ring, and slowly put it on Yuan Yao's ring finger.

After holding her hand, she kissed it lightly.

"You will be my one from now on, and you are not allowed to leave me forever, you know?"

Yuan Yao nodded, looked up at the ring on her ring finger, and smiled silly.

"It's just so good, it's so beautiful!"

She raised her hands and looked back and forth for a long time, looking quite satisfied.

After that, she suddenly thought of something, staring at the platinum ring ring on her index finger, took it off, then took Xia Mingxiu's hand and put the ring on Xia Mingxiu's index finger.

The ring stuck on the knuckle of Xia Mingxiu's ring finger, and Yuan Yao forced it in.

Xia Mingxiu's breathing was slightly messy and painful.

"Well, it's okay. Listen, in the future, you will be my person, as long as I don't want to, you are not allowed to leave me, you know?... Although this is a bit tight, but I will buy you the right one tomorrow. I'll change it for you!"

Xia Mingxiu glanced over the lady's ring on his finger, and couldn't laugh or cry.

But she nodded and said obediently: "I see."

[Try to write another chapter. 】

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