After all, she was not Xia Mingxiu's parents, and she had no idea what kind of attitude they would treat Yuan Yao.

Seeing Yuan Yao's nervousness, Yuan Yao did not give much comfort. After all, seeing her parents is a matter of time. If you comfort her, let her relax her vigilance for a while. The first time she meets with Uncle Xia and Aunt Xia, it will reveal her carelessness. The essence of the lungs left a bad impression on the two elders, what then?

The impression of the first meeting will be very deep, even deep-rooted. If people have a prejudice against her the first time, then it will be really difficult to change that impression.

She would rather make her nervous for a while than make her sad for a lifetime.

Yuan Yao returned to the hotel with anxiety. Pei Anzhi and Xia Mingxiu drank tea and hangover in the common rest area on the floor where their room was located. Seeing them coming back, they asked them to drink some water before going to their rooms to rest.

Xia Mingxiu and Yuan Yao opened the rooms separately, just to prevent someone from focusing on investigating them.

Now that the registration has just been done, Xia Mingxiu is a little bit confident. Pei Anzhi took Ye Susu directly into their own room. The two little guys insisted on having their own room, and they had opened one in the corner of their next door. room.

Now Xia Mingxiu took Yuan Yao directly into her room without any suspicion.

Yuan Yao's face was tangled, Xia Mingxiu pulled her to sit on the sofa, let Yuan Yao sit on her lap, face to face.

Yuan Yao clutched her left heart, trying to suppress the tension in her heart, but in the end it didn't seem to work.

Xia Mingxiu looked at her amusedly, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Yao was discouraged, and put her hands on Xia Mingxiu's shoulders, and his forehead touched Xia Mingxiu's forehead weakly.

Even more nervous and authentic:

"Xia Mingxiu, tell me, is it possible that your parents don't like me?"

Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows, curled her lips, and moved her hands to Yuan Yao's waist. The tip of her nose was filled with the fragrance of Yuan Yao's body. He smiled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Yuan Yao said: "Because our family is not good for the family! Don't you have the rules of the rich family? Isn't it true that the rich lady of the rich family can't look down on us acting? Saying that we are just actors and not worthy of their sons. Yes, I have no father or mother..."

"Where did you know this?"

Pei Anzhi was speechless, really wondering how these strange concepts were formed in this woman's head.

Yuan Yao blinked, "TV series, movies, novels..."


Xia Mingxiu sighed helplessly.

"In the future, you will not be in contact with those things so as to mislead others!"

"What, it's entertainment, know? Without these things, how can you make us girls full of hearts expand?"

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows, "It makes sense?"

"Of course! Without us, what do you raise those stars for? Who can watch the movies and TV series you invest in?"

"You, without our star-chaser groups, where did your money come from?"

Xia Mingxiu compromised, "Well, what you said is correct! But you also have to recognize that reality is different from those fictional things."

Yuan Yao's eyes lit up, she raised her head, and looked at Xia Mingxiu radiantly, "You mean, your parents are actually very good and won't be very annoying, right?"

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