Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 218: His little moves

When he looked at Sheng Yuchen again, he had already opened the door of the co-pilot and walked towards the main driver's seat.

Ye Susu immediately opened the rear door, and then gave her a light push behind him.

"Sister Qing sit in front, I remember you seemed to have some motion sickness before."

Mu Chuqing was pushed directly into the gap between the door and the seat by Ye Susu's force, and Ye Susu also bent over and got into the car.

Mu Chuqing stood there hesitating for a while, thinking about the current situation, she could only bite the bullet and sit in.

Otherwise, if this continues, it will really seem too hypocritical.

As soon as she got into the car, Mu Chuqing felt uncomfortable for a while, and her head was a little bored.

In more than three years, this is the first time that she has taken the initiative to get along with Sheng Yuchen so peacefully.

It's just that the active atmosphere back then has now become the cold silence of a carriage.

Ye Susu sat in the back, naturally also aware of the obvious embarrassment, and fell silent for a while, she said:

"Sister Qing, is your motion sickness better?"

"It's okay, I don't feel dizzy while driving!"

"Well, I have heard of this!"

Ye Susu nodded, but Sheng Yuchen's car had not started yet.

Somewhat suspiciously, he glanced at Sheng Yuchen, but saw that Sheng Yuchen, leaning on his side, took out an object slightly larger than the button of his clothes from the box directly in front of Mu Chuqing and buttoned it on the front exhaust vent, then turned on the air conditioner.

In an instant, the whole compartment was filled with the refreshing aroma of mint, and Mu Chuqing's somewhat dull head suddenly felt clear, and the whole person felt a lot more relaxed in an instant, and let out a long breath.

Sheng Yuchen turned her head and glanced at Mu Chuqing. Seeing that she began to relax, her cold eyebrows loosened slightly, turned her head, and started the car.

Ye Susu watched the subtle expressions of Sheng Yuchen's side face in his eyes without even touching the ground. A smile was raised at the corner of her lips, and she lightly leaned on the back of the car seat.

It's just that the smile on his face gradually loses its taste, becoming a thick bitterness that cannot be removed...

that's nice!

Sister Qing is loved by her cousin!

She also hoped...

Even though!

Pei Anzhi only cares a little bit about her...


The speed is very slow and extremely gentle.

Sheng Yuchen was speechless all the way, but Ye Susu sometimes asked about Mu Chuqing's living conditions in the UK.

And Mu Chuqing answered, mostly in daily life, working as an assistant to the star for half a year, and then studying for two years.

She said nothing about the child.

However, Sheng Yuchen still listened to such a plain life narrative with gusto.

Although his gaze was always looking ahead, when he heard some small anecdotes that Mu Chuqing talked about from time to time, the gently curved corners of his mouth had already betrayed his pretentious calmness at the moment.

Mu Chuqing’s general description is usually Ye Susu’s question, and she answers, sometimes she can say two more when she thinks of it, but generally at this time, Sheng Yuchen always closes his eyebrows and slows down again without notice. Speed.

It seems that even if the speed of the car drops by 0.1 km, he can hear more about her life in the three years he has missed.

And the more he listens, the more Sheng Yuchen feels that in the past three years, he has questioned the decision he made in the past countless times that it was correct enough.

Her life should be like this.

Stay away from all noisy disputes, unpredictable intentions, the dull the better!

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