Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2180: Help him solve

But when she was pregnant, she didn't realize this problem at all.

I calmed down and calculated it carefully, only to realize that I was half a month late for this period.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she covered her mouth in disbelief, for fear that she would be surprised by her exclamation.

Could it be that she is really pregnant?

Looking at the official holiday dates alone, she does have this possibility! ~

But how did An Zhi know?

However, anyway, tonight’s doubts are completely resolved,

It's not her problem, nor Anzhi's problem.

There is no problem between the two of them.

With a sigh of relief.

But when I think that I might be pregnant, I can't stop feeling happy.

Knowing that An Zhi is forbearing for herself and her baby, she feels ashamed of the suspicion she just had.

It turned out that he didn't want to, but couldn't.

Originally, I really planned to sleep, but thinking of his forbearance, I really feel distressed. After a long time of mental preparation, I did it...

Time seems to have been very long, until Pei Anzhi finally recovered, Ye Susu only felt that the whole hand and the arm were sour.

Pei Anzhi turned over, pryed her shell teeth away, kissed her hard for a while, then let go of her, got up and went into the bathroom, not long after, wiped Ye Susu's hands with a wet towel, and threw the towel directly into the trash can.

Ye Susu blushed, but Pei Anzhi smiled satisfactorily, "After reading it, you have to do this kind of thing more so that you won't be so shy."

"Can't do it..."

"That won't work, what did you just say?"


Ye Susu retracted her hand and covered herself tightly with the quilt.

Pei Anzhi smiled. Now that he is relaxed physically and mentally, he turned and went to the bathroom again, took a short shower, and when he came out, Ye Susu was already asleep.

He deliberately eased his movements, went to bed, and didn't put her in his arms in order not to wake Ye Susu.

But not long after he lay down, the soft and fragrant body of the little woman next to him seemed to be pulled, and she took the initiative to get close to his arms, with her slender arms resting on his chest, and she found a comfortable posture. , Sleeping sweetly.

Pei Anzhi thought she was awake, but after watching for a long time, she was real and never woke up.

The habit he has cultivated over the years is not the only one he has.

Thinking of her staying beside him without any precautions like this, real satisfaction surged in her heart, and she kissed her smooth forehead, showing a satisfying and cowardly smile.


The next day, Ye Susu was really still sleeping, so Yuan Yao didn't need to say.

Pei Anzhi wanted to take this opportunity to take a look at the situation of the film and television base. When he opened the door, he happened to see Xia Mingxiu coming out from the opposite room.

The two of them collided, and they both froze.

Pei Anzhi glanced at the door behind Xia Mingxiu's body, and gently pulled the corner of his lips.

"Now you are confident about everything."

Xia Mingxiu also curled her lips, "I really have a lot of confidence!"

Pei Anzhi snorted and closed the door.

The two went downstairs together. During a chat, Xia Mingxiu learned that the investment project plan that Pei Anzhi said yesterday seemed to be planned, so he wandered around the film and television base with Pei Anzhi.

Most of Xia Mingxiu is cultivating celebrities and investing in film and television dramas. All these years, only this land cost has been a big expense.

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