Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2192: Not afraid

What's more, now that there are all guests around, this kind of "irresponsible" behavior that dared to act or behave directly would bring unimaginable consequences to the airport.

If you are responsible, who is responsible? How to be responsible?

No answer is a past answer that can be said,

"What do you mean by silence? Don’t you know that silence is sometimes a tacit consent? As a service industry worker, he tends to be inferior to the heat, bullies the soft and fears the hard, involves the issue of responsibility, and there is no instinctive first reaction, like you, How can all our guests trust you?"

Ye Susu continued, anyway, after so many people watched her, even those people in uniforms looked at her sternly. In this case, they would not dare to come up with ten courage to force her away!


The staff present were unable to say a word that Ye Susu said, so they could only stand awkwardly in place.

Ye Susu looked at them speechlessly and smiled slightly.

Although she is not okay now, they can't hold back that they deliberately procrastinated and waited until Grandpa, Dad and Mom came over and took her away!

She wouldn't be so stupid to a certain extent that she couldn't even think of these things, so her public relations for the past seven years was really in vain.

At this point, in addition to protecting yourself from being forcibly taken away by those people, the most important thing is to be able to board the plane without too much delay.

This is a battle of wits with grandpa. If grandpa caught him, it would be really shameful.

"I want to board the plane, you have no right to detain me!"

Ye Susu said again, her expressionless face carried a chilly breath, which made people subconsciously timid involuntarily.

As soon as Ye Susu's voice fell, the airport staff didn't give a reply at the same time, standing there babbled and couldn't say a complete sentence.

This attitude directly angered those guests who were anxious to register, and they all said that the airport was not,

The staff’s complexion turned blue and white, and finally reopened the boarding gate flow amidst everyone’s resistance.

Ye Susu smiled triumphantly and walked in.

The few staff members who stopped Ye Susu were apologizing to the other passengers, and they left with their heads ashamed.

The staff at the semi-enclosed workbench at the boarding gate did not fully understand what was happening outside, and when they were instructed to continue the process, they started work again. After Ye Susu several people, the staff on the workbench When he saw Pei Anzhi, he couldn't help but shake his expression.

This man is the best quality object that the flight attendants think about all day long.

It's a pity that I am very happy with my wife.

They can only think about Xiao in private.

By the way, isn't the young lady of the Pei family who just passed by?

what happened?

Is this a couple going out to relax or work?

But it's really good. You can go on a business trip together, let alone go abroad together.

Ye Susu and Pei Anzhi are still boarding on this flight, and Pei Anzhi and Ye Susu have already entered the FA.

When Father Pei and Father Pei and Mother Pei rushed into the airport, they happened to see the last two people at the boarding gate.

When they rushed past, the two had already walked into the boarding tunnel.

Luo Qing wants to break in directly!

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