Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2196: Naive enough

But the facts in the future proved that, let alone cooperation, Ye Susu would be grateful if he could expect him not to disturb her.

Seeing Susu imagine her daughter's beautiful life, Pei Anzhi suddenly spoke again, with doubts in his tone.

"Be clear about what you want and what is really worth pursuing..."

"Yeah!" Clearly define her goal and work towards her goal. Time is like a white horse passing by, so that she will not have too much time to go around in circles, and there will be more time to make her happy.

Pei Anzhi pursed his lips, "So what? Your behavior this time is to let your daughter learn these things, and then after she is absolutely independent and has her own opinion, she chooses to leave us and run away with other stinky men?"

Pei Anzhi's last sentence was definitely said through gritted teeth.

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Anzhi himself became irresistibly angry.


Ye Susu didn't expect Pei Anzhi to be so angry at all. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what Pei Anzhi said seemed right.

But she really didn't expect this.

But now listening to An Zhi mentioned, she...

"I don't think this situation will happen..."

Pei Anzhi pressed her lips tightly and frowned slightly.

"Perhaps her current behavior is obviously to be there to teach her to do so in the future!"

"I didn't! If she has someone she really likes, I will support her decision. Why do I have to force her to run away with others?"

Ye Susu herself is a woman who believes in love,

She has pursued love without hesitation, and is also doing her best to protect her love.

Love has given her many good memories, as well as her own expectations for each next second.

She wants to give all the good things to her children,

She didn't want her children caught in the gap between family and love and suffered.

Once the child is allowed to make a choice, then she must be prepared to lose their heart. In the end, it is not only the child but herself that will be hurt.

So once the children are absolutely independent, have absolute assertiveness, and choose someone they believe can give them happiness, she will never stop them.

But Pei Anzhi didn't think so, he suddenly felt that his son was better!

He had no such worries when he was born in pairs.

Because his son wants to marry his wife back, he not only has no loss, but also has an extra daughter.

But now he realized that if he had a daughter, he would be his wife and the daughter of someone else in the future!

This is totally unimaginable!

Why? !

His daughter Pei Anzhi will never be defiled by those stinky men!

"A man worthy of my daughter in this world has not yet been born!"

Pei Anzhi's tone is particularly bad, especially bad, especially bad!

That attitude can't wait to choke men all over the world.

Ye Susu looked at her flat stomach silently, and the corners of her mouth twitched imperceptibly.

"Maybe...really not born yet..."

She doesn't even know if she is a daughter in her belly now!

But even...

Who knows if that kid was born now?

What if a sister and brother fall in love...

Ye Susu grinned and couldn't help feeling that he and An Zhi were too ridiculous.

Not to mention the fact that there is no stroke at all, now it is completely invisible, and they are actually starting to worry about such things.

It is really naive.

[It’s really troublesome to choose chapter names~~~~~]

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