He has the ability to make the Xia family better. This is obvious to both of them and they have always supported him.

Except for the fact that he had been reluctant to start a family before, and the two of them intervened a little because of anxiety, there was no conflict between them in other matters.

Even for some things in the company, the two of them can hit it off with a little discussion.

Because Mingxiu was busy with work and avoided their nagging about first getting married and having children, Mingxiu rarely went home, and quarrels almost never happened.

Now this situation...

His dad has been ventilated so hard tonight, is he going to get worse now?

"Mingxiu, your dad was just confused today, but you know, his mouth is stupid, but he is still thinking about you in his heart, otherwise, how could he say so much if he put it on others?"

"For my sake? I don't think so. Every word he said tonight, I didn't understand that he was thinking about me! Let Wen Qian change his surname to Xia, because I don't want others to take this matter and cancel the Xia family. It's ugly to Yuan Yao because she doesn't have a gorgeous family background enough to help me make the Xia family better!"

"What about the others? You can tell from what he said that he is good for me? In his eyes, there is nothing like whether the Xia family can continue the incense, and the Xia family's status in Kyoto. Face issue. I know exactly what he really does for. I didn’t think it was necessary to consider such a fine. As a man of the Xia family, I should contribute to the Xia family.

"I thought, no matter what, you should understand me! I have my own thoughts and my own decisions. You should support my decision and respect my opinion!"

Xia's mother was almost dying of anxiety, "Mingxiu, can you stop telling me, it's messy enough now, don't you make any more mess, okay?!"

"No, you let him say! If it weren't for today, I don't know, it turns out that his opinion of me is so deep! Let him say! See what else he can say?!"

Father Xia suddenly said in a deep voice, and his angry eyes were waiting for Xia Mingxiu. It seemed that he really wanted Xia Mingxiu to say something!

"I don't have that many opinions on you! Whoever is more overwhelming about today's affairs, I think you must have already understood in your heart. Today should have been a pleasant dinner, I am looking forward to bringing Yuan Yao and Wen Qian back to you to see, I I thought, you have been hoping for an explanation from me, and I gave it to you. As a result, it was such a scene! I was never a big lover. If Yuan Yao is insignificant in my heart, how can she In this way, it has nothing to do with me. I might even force Wen Qian to stay like you. But the point is, Yuan Yao has never been insignificant in my heart!"

Father Xia stared at Xia Mingxiu closely, "She has never been insignificant in your heart? Have you put an actor in your heart?"

"You can tell, what she usually said to you, which one is true and which one is false? How can you be completely sure of any thing she did before your eyes and which one is true , Which one is fake?"

"With an actor, you are not afraid of being deceived by your wealth and your heart? If that happens, you won't even be able to cry!"

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