Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2229: Dumbfounding

Yuan Wenqian lay on the bed, picked up the tablet on the bedside table and played a game. He had been playing with Pei Yunze before playing the man who didn't know his height.

But recently the rank of that man has been pulled down by the two of them. Now because of his low rank, none of their high ranks can beat him. They can only wait for him to rise a little bit. During this period, he and Pei Yunze It's so boring.

His account is all money from his father, so there is nothing to look forward to.

Thinking about opening a new account, I felt that it was unnecessary. Recently, I felt that this game was a bit boring, so I only practiced it, started quickly, and ended quickly.

It took less than ten minutes, and the grandma hadn't come out yet, and Yuan Wenqian quit the game, his bright black eyes rolled, as if thinking of something, he lifted the quilt and jumped out of the bed and opened the door.

Then he just happened to see his idiot mother sneaking into her room holding something.

Yuan Wenqian frowned and walked towards Yuan Yao's room step by step with the tablet he forgot to drop in his arms.


Xia Mingxiu simply took a shower, wore a bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom while wiping her hair.

But just as he walked out of the bathroom, he stopped because of the scene before him, and even stepped back involuntarily.

After several seconds, he reacted.

Some wryly said: "What are you doing? Don't you hurry up?"


After taking the shower, Mother Xia was thinking about sleeping with Wen Qian for a while, breaking the habit of blowing half-dry to maintain her hair, and completely dried her hair.

He came out of the bathroom happily, but didn't see the little guy on the bed who promised to wait for her obediently.

She looked around the room and didn't find Wen Qian's figure, so she walked out of the room and looked around, she really saw Yuan Wenqian's little figure.

I saw him standing at the door of a room, and pointed his little head towards the room at the door, not knowing what he was looking at.

That is Yuan Yao's room.

However, Xia Mu came here for the first time and didn't know where Yuan Yao's room was.

Although I don't know what Wen Qian is watching, Wen Qian should go to bed at this time.

She didn't think much, raised her foot and walked towards Yuan Wenqian.

Gradually approaching, she found that her precious grandson was holding a tablet and was recording something in the unclosed room.

As soon as her doubts arose, Yuan Wenqian seemed to be able to guess, turned her head, put a short finger to her mouth and made a silent motion.

Xia Mu was puzzled by his actions, but she still didn't say anything. She didn't have the habit of peeping into other people's rooms, and her education would not allow her to do so.

But her sight was unconsciously placed on the tablet in Yuan Wenqian's hand, and what was displayed on it was obviously the scene inside the house.

With just a glance, Xia Mu's eyes couldn't move away.


Xia Mingxiu stood at the door of the bathroom, with water dripping down her hair, holding a white towel in her hand, but did not wipe her hair anymore, just staring at the window in a daze.

Yuan Yao was wearing a SpongeBob cotton pajamas. Instead of facing him, she faced the window in the room. She knelt on her ears with her hands, and there was actually a piece of white rubbing clothes under her knees. board.

[Emphasis, Yuan Yao did not kneel on the washboard against Xia Mingxiu, but turned her back. Kneeling on the washboard is cute, but I can't bear to kneel in the face. Although kneeling on the washboard is not a big deal, I can't pass my own level. Just sauce. 】

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