Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2235: Not so reluctant

"That... Auntie... I'm really sorry tonight, sometimes I get angry and I can't control myself. It is really not very appropriate to say those things to uncle, and it caused the two of you to have a conflict. ..."

Mother Xia stopped drinking milk, thinking of the words she had said to Mingxiu before, she couldn't help but feel a little funny, she said nothing.

The reason is the same.

Only true, so when facing different people, there is always only one kind of rhetoric.

Unlike some people, facing different people, one thing can draw out all kinds of strange reasons.

Therefore, whether a person is sincere or sincere can be easily seen.

"Do you think you did something wrong today?"

Yuan Yao nodded, bit her lip and whispered softly, "Did it wrong?"

After taking her last sip of milk, Mother Xia put the cup aside, then stared at Yuan Yao and asked:

"You regret it?"

Yuan Yao firmly shook her head, "No regrets!"

Xia Mu pulled her lips slightly, Yuan Yao paused, then continued:

"No matter what, my uncle is really too much today. At the beginning, I really respected him, and I also thought about letting myself behave well in front of you, and I can't make any big mistakes, and then let you recognize me and let I can stay by Xia Mingxiu's side with peace of mind and worry-free.

I have no father or mother since I was a child, and I would even look forward to getting along with you. Although I will be uneasy...but I really want to have a complete family. It doesn't matter if I pay more. But...I'm not complaining about my uncle for not giving me this opportunity. I am really angry that he doesn't know how to cherish the happiness in front of him. For so many years, he has always been self-centered. I don't even think he has treated him sincerely. you guys! He obviously has what others dream of, but he is really...excessive! "

Yuan Yao looked angry. What Xia's father did today opened her eyes and gained insight.

As long as she thought of every sentence, every word, every expression he said today, she felt anger in her pores.

It's... speechless.

"Auntie, you have lived here with peace of mind for these two days. Don't go back by yourself, otherwise your uncle will still be the same and will look down on you... You will be tough this time to let him understand what the **** is going on. It’s the most important thing...Don’t be too used to him..."

Mother Xia chuckled and nodded, "I know, I won't go back. I haven't thought about what will happen to me and him, but I just feel that he has treated him so heartily for so many years. Resentful, he never valued me. I can bear to pay more, but I really find it hard to accept the truth. As for whether I will go back again, I have never thought about it again. Now looking at the happiness you and Mingxiu have had , Wen Qian is healthy and healthy, and the child in your stomach is all well, so I'm very content."

"I really didn't know why I was so persistent back then, but I don't regret it either. Without my original choice, Mingxiu and you might not necessarily be together. With this alone, I am very satisfied. But now... …I’m thinking, if I choose not to be attached anymore, I don’t seem to be so reluctant..."

Yuan Yao opened her mouth and opened and closed for a long time, but she didn't know what to say. God knows how anxious and contradictory she is.

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