Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2239: Father Xia wants to take Wen Qian away forcibly!

No action, what on earth does his father do?

Xia Mingxiu was a little puzzled, it was not like what his father did.

He thought it was just no time, but for three days, he didn't wait for any news. Instead, he waited for Yuan Yao's call at noon on this day.

Yuan Yao's voice was very high on the phone, and she was very angry. She couldn't tell the key points. Xia Mingxiu hung up the phone and hurried home.

As soon as I entered the house, I didn't see Yuan Yao, but saw the person who shouldn't have been spotted.

Mother Xia sat on the sofa, holding Yuan Wenqian who shouldn't have been at home at this time tightly in her arms, and looked at the man sitting far away from them with a vigilant look.

Xia Mingxiu couldn't fail to know him, he was his father.

So gloomy at the moment, staring at him,

Xia Mingxiu frowned and entered the house. Yuan Yao just came down from the stairs at this time. When he saw him coming back, his eyes brightened and he ran down the high stairs.

Father Xia stared at Yuan Yao again--

To be precise, she looked at her stomach, clenched her teeth and stared angrily.

"You slow down!"

Xia Mingxiu stared at her helplessly, took a few steps forward, picked her up in advance, and held her in his arms.

The moment Yuan Yao fell into Xia Mingxiu's arms, Father Xia also closed his eyes back and snorted coldly.

"What's the matter?" Xia Mingxiu asked, and his eyes were placed on Father Xia's body for a moment.

Yuan Yao immediately became excited again, "Your father, he went to Wen Qian's school silently at noon! He must take Wen Qian away forcibly! If it wasn't for the head of the garden to call his aunt, he would take Wen Qian back. Wen Qian was afraid that your father had taken away long ago! Xia Mingxiu, you said, how would I live without Wen Qian? Hey..."

At the end of the talk, Yuan Yao buried her face in Xia Mingxiu's arms and cried.

How do you hear that cry?

Xia's father was directly angry with a beard blowing and staring.

This scheming woman!

The fake cry is so obvious, so embarrassed to say that you are a queen? !

Moreover, he dared to act in front of him!

Xia Mingxiu also glanced at Yuan Yao who was hiding in his arms with a black line on his face, and was about to "crying" with Yuan Yao, and patted her shoulder gently.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, isn't it all right?"

Yuan Yao was still crying, "But I was really scared just now, I am very emotional now. Do you think it will affect the baby?"

As Yuan Yao said, she straightened up from Xia Mingxiu's arms, stretched out her hand and touched her flat belly in a grievance, looking at Xia Mingxiu pitifully.

Although Xia Mingxiu knew that she was mostly acting, she was still worried. After all, her father showed up at Wen Qian's school at noon and wanted to take Wen Qian away. Yuan Yao must have been scared.

It's just that this typical woman whose scars have been cured and forgot to hurt, now she doesn't know what she is thinking about.

"I'll take you to the hospital!"

This is a big problem.

As for the fact that his father wanted to take Wen Qian away forcibly...

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyes to look at Xia Minghua, and then curled his eyebrows.

If he really wanted to take Wen Qian away forcibly, he wouldn't sit here.

"Um... why don't you follow me upstairs, you call your friend who runs the hospital, I will tell him the situation, and see if it is necessary to go to the hospital again?"

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