"No need! Get in the car quickly!"

After Sheng Yuchen finished speaking, he looked up at the weather and frowned again.

This month, I have barely seen the sun several times.

It was another cloudy day.


Mu Chuqing's car reached the Xishan Villa first.

The car was parked in the yard, but Mu Chuqing did not get off the car for a long time.

Most of the rose flowers surrounding the villa have begun to wither, but there are still a lot of residues, and there are still bones that have not had time to bloom, still struggling to bloom in this early autumn.

The entire villa is hidden in this deep mountain, like a deserted castle in a fairy tale.

It was once brilliant, beautiful, and vibrant.

Today is depressed, miserable, and desolate.

Mu Chuqing had been sitting in the car and staring at the door of the villa, her whole heart was filled with resistance.

Deep annoyance flashed in her eyes, but she could not suppress it after all, and the scene brought in all that it had brought her.

There was too much sweetness in the past but now it is more sad to think about it.

Everything that the man she loved that night brought to her was enough to overturn all the sweetness of the past.

Everything, the deep love she once thought, was a sad joke to her.

Why is the joke sad?

As the protagonist of this joke, should she also feel happy?

She is so self-righteous!

She thought that coming back here would not affect her too much.

However, from the very beginning, when she heard Ye Susu's request, she had been led away by the past.

She overestimated her self-confidence and underestimated her sincerity in this relationship!

I also know that for so many years, she has deceived herself and others.

She was a loser. She fell in love with someone in one year, and now it took three years, and she couldn't completely eliminate this person from her life.

Mu Chuqing smiled bitterly, and a sad voice rang in the car.

Feeling that the strength of the whole body is fading a little bit, she can't help it, she can't do it alone!

Who is there?

Can pull her a hand!

Mu Chuqing put his head on the steering wheel and closed his eyes. There was no gap in the confined carriage. The layer was so sad that he couldn't get out anyway.

When Sheng Yuchen's car turned into the door of the villa, he saw the red Ferrari parked quietly at the door of the villa.

There was a sudden squeeze in my heart, and with a dull pain, the hands holding the steering wheel didn't feel like they started to clenched.

The car sped up subconsciously and soon stopped beside Mu Chuqing's car.

Sheng Yuchen first opened the door and got out of the car, standing on the spot, staring straight at the driver's position of the red Ferrari.

Dark eyes faintly flashed with deep distress, but he dared not step forward to comfort him!

Because, in this world, it is clear that he hurt her the most.

Sheng Yuchen's heart was painful, his stern face was tight, and his muscles trembled.

When Ye Susu got out of the car, he saw his cousin in a trance.

Fucked his brows slightly, followed Sheng Yuchen's line of sight, and looked at the red Ferrari on the side.

Looking out of the car window, although you can't see the situation in the car, you can still vaguely see the quiet figure in the driving seat. My heart slid through thick helplessness, but more distressed.

Why, two people have each other in their hearts, but they always waste time tossing.

Shaking his head, Ye Susu went around to Mu Chuqing's car and knocked on the window glass.

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