Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2247: What are you crazy?

He looked at Xia Mingxiu, biting his lips tightly, his face was angry and aggrieved.

"I don't even know now, why on earth am I walking with you again?!"


Xia Mingxiu's reluctant smile immediately sank.

Obviously it was fine just now, what did he do? What does she mean by suddenly changing her mind?

Before he could think deeply, Yuan Yao raised his hand and beat Xia Mingxiu's hand on top of her head to one side with a "pop".

Xia Mingxiu didn't expect her sudden reaction like this at all. Looking at the back of her hand that was flushed red, she turned her eyes and looked at Yuan Yao deeply.

"What are you going crazy suddenly?" It was obvious that he was suppressing his anger now.

Yuan Yao suddenly stood up from the bed, her bright eyes were instantly shrouded in a cloud of mist, tears rolled in her eye sockets, and fell suddenly down Bai Nun's face.

Xia Mingxiu was stunned.

Even though I had deliberately restrained myself just now, thinking about it now, I still speak too much.

He just wanted to speak to comfort her, but he heard Yuan Yao crying and saying:

"You are exactly the same as your father! I forgave you for doing such an excessive thing to me! Why should I forgive you? Seeing your father is like seeing you back then! Since you care so much, Why do you have to say something hurtful and do such an excessive thing?!"

"..." Xia Mingxiu pressed her lips tightly and stood in front of her without speaking.

What happened back then has been clearly explained, and it's all in the past. Now that she suddenly mentioned it, what's the point.

"Looking at your dad, I think what your mother did is really right! His kind of truth...cannot be forgiven for a lifetime!"

"Why do you have people with such awkward personalities in this world? The more you like, the more hurt!"

Yuan Yao said, opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

Xia Mingxiu frowned and ran after him, grabbing Yuan Yao's arm.

"where are you going?"

"You let me go! I don't forgive you! You father and son, one is more cold-blooded than the other!"

As Yuan Yao said, she shook off Xia Mingxiu's hand and ran to the top of the stairs.

She spoke to Xia Mingxiu very loudly, and her voice almost spread throughout the entire villa!

Xia Mu, who had just brought Wen Qian into the door, heard the quarrel and hurried out.

Seeing Yuan Yao crying and standing at the top of the stairs, Xia Mingxiu chased him up from behind.

She frowned and asked worriedly: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Yao's crying red eyes looked at Xia Mu, and suddenly she cried louder!

Father Xia was also surprised by the movement upstairs. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yuan Yao running to the top of the stairs. Now he cried out inexplicably.

He didn't like Yuan Yao very much at first, but now it makes no difference what a ghost crying and howling wolf.

Seeing Yuan Yao burst into tears suddenly, Xia Mu hurried over and took Yuan Yao's hand and asked what was going on.

Yuan Yao just cried and was out of breath. No matter what Xia Mu said on the side, she couldn't stop crying.

No way, Xia Mu stared at Xia Mingxiu angrily.

Seeing Yuan Yao crying so sad, she kicked Xia Mingxiu angrily!

Angrily said: "Why did you mess with her? I wonder if she is still pregnant now?!"

[Reminder: Don't be misled, smart ones. Don't rush to scold Yuan Yao. Today you don't know what I went through, and you feel aggrieved. Four more today! I also want to do more, but I feel helpless...]

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