Xia Mu immediately held Yuan Yao's hand tightly, and almost begged: "Don't be like this, Yuan Yao! Mingxiu loves you..."

"The things in the past are over, don’t you? You understand that Mingxiu can't live without you now. What should he do if you leave? Are you willing to make him sad? You also like Mingxiu, right? ?"

"I like it. But what I like is useful. The more I like it, the easier it is to be hurt. Even if he pierces me with a fine needle, it hurts more than someone stabbed me with a knife! Auntie, I'm afraid... I don't have you. Such a strong endurance. These days you can also see that I have a bad temper. I never distinguish who the other person is or what to say. Even if I continue with Xia Mingxiu, it will not last long. I am afraid of separation after I have paid my affection. I am more afraid that I will give more, and if I separate again, I will be sad and sad..."

"No, you should understand Mingxiu, he is just a dumb mouth and low EQ..."

"..." Xia Mingxiu was speechless, stupid? Low EQ?

Is this true?

Even if it is, he doesn't want to admit it, OK?

But after all, he didn't say anything, standing there quietly, obediently serving as a prop for Yuan Yao.

At this time, the door of the villa hummed twice, then opened, and Ye Susu and Luo Qing came in carrying a lot of things.

Mother Pei saw the people in the living room for the first time and smiled subconsciously: "Are you all here?!"

Several people looked at them in unison. In Mother Pei’s greeting, Yuan Yao raised her hand and wiped her tears, and said with a thick nasal voice: "Godmother, Susu, you are here!"

As soon as Su Su entered the door and saw Father Xia standing beside him, he realized that something was not right, and he remained silent.

Mother Pei reacted when she saw Yuan Yao's pathetic gesture of wiping her tears. She glanced at Xia Minghua's body and frowned slightly.

"How did you come?"

Her tone is obviously not good, it's almost to the extreme!

Three days ago, Yuan Yao didn’t stay at Pei’s house very late at night. She told her that she was going to have dinner with Xia’s family. For the first time, she was nervous. Although she didn’t know her for a long time, Yuan Yao’s people are also simple. In a few days, I found out her temperament, nothing bad, and just got along like this, and then the relationship became a bit out of control.

When she first told them, she felt distressed when she looked nervous.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yao and Lu Ya didn’t come to Xia’s house the next day. This habit really cannot be cultivated. If they didn’t see each other for a day, they felt a little different.

The old man also yelled to play checkers with Yuan Yao. When Susu called to ask, they knew that all Yuan Yao's worries had been fulfilled.

Now in her own villa.

After coming over, I found Luya was there.

Luya didn't say anything at first, but after repeated inquiries, she started crying.

Yuan Yao also added a few words on the side, and they understood everything.

Although the matter between Xia Minghua and Shen Mei didn't make a big deal back then, she still knew about it.

Pangling with a woman six years older than herself, married and stalked others, finally Luya delayed childbirth, almost lost her life, and finally managed to save her life, but suffered a sequelae of infertility ,

Not only the old man of the Xia family, but even the old man of his family criticized her harshly.

How sad was Luya when she lost the most basic things of a woman?

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