Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2257: No skin and face

Yuan Yao did not continue to say this sentence, but gave a bitter smile:

"Your toughness and toughness are not used to protect and care for women, but to hurt them..."

Xia Minghua still had a gloomy face, standing there in a tall and straight figure, the whole person was still cold, but her aura was quietly changing.

Luo Qing tilted his eyes slightly, watching Ye Susu standing in silence with no expression on his face, pursing his lips, and looking away with some shame.

She doesn't deny this. Ye Susu's experience of just marrying into Pei's house is indeed somewhat similar to that of Lu Ya.

Yuan Yao took a deep breath, glanced at Xia Minghua, and continued:

"Also, what my aunt just said is right! I am not Senior Shenmei! Senior Shenmei cleans himself in the entertainment industry, and relies on his true ability from beginning to end. I am not, at least, clean and self-conscious. I have done opportunistic things. !"

"Yuan Yao!"

Ye Susu called her dissatisfiedly, "You don't have to say this to yourself!"

Luo Qing and Xia Mu both looked at Yuan Yao with a little surprise, never expecting that she would say that.

Luo Qing actually didn't react too much. People said that the entertainment industry was very messy. Yuan Yao's current achievements, she said that she did not believe her, she said yes, but there were also some surprises.

Mother Xia frowned, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in her heart.

Xia Mingxiu also frowned slightly, and looked at her calmly.

Only Father Xia gave a sneer, glanced at her contemptuously, and glanced at Xia Mingxiu sarcastically, which was really sarcasm.

Yuan Yao said indifferently and lightly:

"Anyway, I'm skinless and faceless. Whoever sneaks into me, I will pester him desperately in my life! Besides...your son had to sneak into me back then!"

As she said, she brushed her hair proudly and confidently, and glanced at Father Xia provocatively.




There was another silence, Ye Susu blinked, looked at the expressions of several people around, and finally couldn't help but laughed.

Father Xia twitched his mouth, turned his head and stared at Yuan Yao, gritted his teeth.

Yuan Yao wrinkled her nose and gave him a shallow smile, which in Xia Minghua's eyes was a provocation by Chi Guoguo.

He stared at Xia Mingxiu again, but he happened to see Xia Ming correcting the corners of his lips slightly.

Even more angry.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Yao quickly said, "It's useless to stare at him! Wen Qian is a living proof! Xia Mingxiu, dare you say that you didn't make my belly bigger?!"

Xia Minghua stared at Xia Mingxiu hard,

Yuan Yao stared at Xia Mingxiu not to be outdone!

Xia Mingxiu touched his nose helplessly, and finally nodded and admitted:

"Yes, it was I who wanted to dive into her at the beginning, and it was indeed me who did...Big her belly, Wen Qian is a living proof..."




Yuan Yao gave Xia Minghua a triumphant look, and the angry Xia Minghua's face was blue again.

" are so young, why are you so shameless and ashamed?!"

Yuan Yao's dark and bright eyes flashed a little smile, and it didn't matter what she was all over, "Because I have no skin and no face!"


"Anyway, if you have skin and face, you don't want to see me. What's the use of having skin and face?!"

With Yuan Yao's appearance, she almost reached out her little finger to pick her nostril.

All the people present couldn't help but laugh at that silly look.

Only Father Xia jumped there!

[It can only be said that Yuan Yao is taller than Yuan Yao! 】

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