Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2259: Like a certain dad!

Now, her son married her such a lovely wife and a lively grandson. The one in her belly is even more worth looking forward to. She is getting older now, and one more day is equivalent to one less life.

It is also a day to be entangled and depressed, and a day to be happy.

She suddenly felt that at her age, love was the same.

People don't love her, and she can't force him to love herself with a knife!

It's just that she can't have a daughter and lost her son?

Especially Mingxiu’s poor voice calling Yuan Yao just now, she can’t see that her son is so pitiful,

Patting Yuanyao's hand, Xia Yuhui said earnestly: "Don't get angry with Mingxiu, didn't you just say that you want to pester him forever? There is still a child in your stomach now, how can you bear to let the child not Where is Dad? You have to hold him accountable!"

Yuan Yao bit her lip with a tangled expression. After a long while, she turned her head and glanced at Xia Mingxiu sadly, saying:

"But he is too much...just as damning as a certain dad!"

The latter sentence was definitely added by her later.

Because when she withdrew her gaze, she happened to see Xia Minghua's eyes that could not wait to swallow her alive.

"Auntie, can't you forgive him? Why do you want me to forgive Xia Mingxiu?"


Mother Xia looked embarrassed, "Ming Xiu is different from him..."

"They are father and son, where can they go?" Yuan Yao muttered dissatisfiedly. Xia Mingxiu was listening. Only then did he understand that Yuan Yao was somewhat serious in this scene.

The opinion of his father is true, and it is also true that he is involved in himself because of his father.

He started to become really nervous at this moment, and immediately grabbed Yuan Yao's arm.

"It's not up to you to decide whether to separate!"

"You don't want to get divorced by yourself!"

Two voices suddenly sounded at the same time,

Xia Mingxiu frowned and looked to the side, and found that his father had also taken his mother's arm, and also frowned at Xia Mingxiu.

The father and son looked at each other, a thick embarrassment flashed across their faces, and then turned their heads in unison.


"Follow me back!"

Xia Mingxiu pulled Yuan Yao into his arms,

Xia Minghua also grabbed Mother Xia's arm, and also pulled into her arms.

One is more aggressive than the other!

Ye Susu and Luo Qing stood aside, looking at the funny scene in front of them with some amusement, not knowing how to react.

Yuan Yao twisted twice in Xia Mingxiu's arms, Xia Mingxiu hugged tightly, and Yuan Yao did not break away from his arms.

In a blink of an eye I saw Mother Xia, looking like her.

She didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and finally shouted at Xia Mingxiu angrily:

"The more you talk about the two images of your father and son, the more energy you get, right!"

Mother Xia stared at Xia Minghua, and followed Yuan Yao and said, "So are you!"

"He learned it from me!"

"He learned it from me!"

The father and son said nothing bad this time.

Yuan Yao Qi knot!

Xia Mu laughed angrily.

No way, Xia Mingxiu was born to her, and for the first time I saw him and his dad in such a coincidence on a matter, this scene...

I have to say, it’s really interesting, it’s rare to see,

Xia Minghua is hateful, it is also the man she has spent most of her life loving and waiting for, Mingxiu is her son, and the son of the man she loves!

[Almost forgot to post today's post! ! ! 】

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