Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2273: That's so cute

Xia Minghua twitched his face deliberately, and finally found that he could no longer hold his face, and snorted abruptly.

Yuan Yao didn't have time to talk to him, grabbing grapes and starting to eat.

When she picked up the second bunch to eat, Xia Mingxiu stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't eat anymore, forget what mom said just now?"

"Oh oh!" Yuan Yao rolled her eyes, and immediately reacted. Before Xia Mingxiu took the grapes, she put the grapes in the fruit bowl.

Putting his hands on his knees, he gazed at the grapes in the fruit bowl.

That little appearance, like a very well-behaved child, looks like he really wants it, but still resists the desire to eat, and only listens to his mother.

Xia Minghua, who looked like this, couldn't wait for the whole plate of grapes to be stuffed into her arms and let her eat enough.

Xia Minghua couldn't help it anymore, let alone Xia Mingxiu.

Seeing that she wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat, she felt distressed and unbearable, and she simply reached out and stuffed the plate into Yuan Yao's arms.


Yuan Yao looked at him in surprise, "I can't eat too much! I have to finish my meal soon."

Yuan Yao paused, looked down at the crystal clear grapes in her arms, swallowed her saliva, stared at the plate and continued, "I'm going to have dinner... Mom said."

That look is simply too pitiful.

"It's okay, we have to pick up Wen Qian after eating, and we will digest it soon after sitting in the car."


Yuan Yao was still hesitating for a long time before gritting her teeth and shaking her head again.

"Xiao Zhang!"

Xia Minghua suddenly made a sound, which surprised Yuan Yao.

She looked up, just in time to see a servant of the family coming quickly.

"Sir, what's your order?" Yuan Yao thought, this is probably Xiao Zhang.

Xia Minghua said in a deep voice, "Go, tell Madam to postpone dinner by one hour."

The person called Xiao Zhang looked up at Yuan Yao and smiled: "Okay, sir."

Yuan Yao looked at Xia Minghua unexpectedly, which was obviously trying to find a reason for her to eat more.

It was unexpectedly kind.

A servant came up again to give Xia Minghua tea, but Xia Minghua pushed the teacup aside.

"Don't drink it, it's too much, and I will have dinner later."

The servant holding the teapot gave him a weird look, then turned and left.

Xia Mingxiu curled her lips and smiled, looking at Yuan Yao and whispering: "Let's eat, dinner is still early!"

"it is good!"

Yuan Yao responded crisply, and ate without scruples.

With that contented look, Xia Mingxiu felt relieved.

Xia Minghua let out another cold snort on the side.

Yuan Yao looked up, glanced at Xia Minghua, turned her head and smiled at Xia Mingxiu.

Xia Mingxiu reached out and touched the corner of her lips, and said softly, "Is it delicious?"

Yuan Yao nodded. "good to eat!"

"Then slow down! There are many more!"


Yuan Yao looked happy and contented.

In the kitchen, the servant held the teapot and poured the tea into the sink.

Luya frowned when she saw it, "Didn't it just burned? Why did it fall all over?"

"Madam, the gentleman said that he is full and he should be out of dinner for a while."

"Strange, when does he take food seriously? Isn't it always enough to drink tea?"

At this time, Xiao Zhang just took a handful of green vegetables from outside and walked in. Hearing Lu Ya’s doubts, he smiled:

"Madam, the sir also said he would postpone dinner for an hour?!"

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